Swap W.A

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Before this chapter begins I'd like to say thanks to DadxyDevilBoiiii67 for the idea of this chapter. And secondly, I think I'm done with adding pictures to every chapter, I can't find any more good ones :(

Wednesday and Enid stood huddled up in their room, a few flasks sitting atop one of their desks. "Are you sure we should be doing this in our room..?" 

Enid asked while eyeing the contents of said flasks suspiciously. "Yes, for the hundredth time I'm sure. I know what I'm doing, I have the highest grade in chemistry class.. Now shut up"

Going along with her friends plan, the blond girl holding what she was told to. "So what is this thing supposed to do?"

"If I did all the steps correctly, which I did, this will allow me to read minds"

Tilting her head, Enid raised a brow at Wednesday. "You know you can just ask Y/N what he wants for his birthday, you don't have to do all this"

Wednesday glared at Enid before scoffing. "Be quiet, you aren't the one dating him. You don't know what I do"

"Well clearly you don't either if you're resorting to a potion to see what he wants"

That did not make Wednesday any happier, the tension could be felt in the room. Even Enid's plushies in the back could sense that something was about to happen...

And then Y/N walked into the room, a bag of McDonald's in his hand. "Hey I'm back with the food-"


Enid dropped the flask in her hand, the contents spilling all over her and Wednesday's legs.

Then suddenly Enid felt very short... And was staring at herself? 

The same thing happened to Wednesday, except she felt taller. Plus she was staring down at herself. 

"Enid, you added the salt earlier right?"

"..You didn't say sugar..?"

"No fucking way"

Y/N waved the bag in his hands. "Uh, I got the food. Guys?" He walked up to Wednesday, or who he thought was Wednesday. "My love I got you some fries because I know-"

"Don't call her that" 'Enid' said from next to the two. Her face looking very ticked off, which was probably the weirdest thing he's seen all day. "Um.. What?"

Rubbing the back of his neck, Y/N narrowed his eyes for a second before realizing something. "You aren't Wednesday, she would have given me a kiss by now."

"Who are you and what did you do to my wife?" Y/N asked while raising his fists, a McDonald's bag hanging out of one hand. 

"Wife..?" 'Enid' mumbled to herself, her cheeks only gaining the tiniest bit of pink. You'd have to squint your eyes to notice it. "She's right there!" 'Wednesday' pointed at Wednesday.

Oh dear this could get real confusing real fast.

"Excuse me?"

Wednesday sighed and looked down at her hand, painted nails looking back at her. "We've been swapped, what a pain"

"Swapped? That sounds like an idea straight out of a bad fanfic-"

Don't finish that sentence.

"Sorry.." Y/N muttered, setting the food down on the desk.

"Who are you talking to?"

The three cleaned up the mess on the floor while Wednesday explained the whole thing to Y/N. "I was making a potion for..."

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