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Siphiwokuhle's POV

We end up talking for two hours and i end the call because I'm tired. I wonder why the dad's side of the family is always the toxic side. I can relate with him with that part but my dad's side doesn't accuse each other instead they work together to torment people and make their lives a living hell.

After my parents died they revealed their true colours and took away my dad's possessions and claimed them as theirs, they didn't even leave a cent for me and my sister. My parents passed away a year after I was born and my uncle, aunts and grandmother struggled with raising me and my sister but they made it in the end.

My uncle wanted to change our surnames back to his but then my grandmother refused. I don't talk to my dad's side at all. Yes I've forgiven them for what they did to me and my sister but I can never forget it. My sister is still angry and hasn't forgiven them because she was old enough to see the fights that were going on between both families.

I understand where she is coming from but she needs to let go because it's not worth holding on. We've come so far without them and she has done so much without them and she was able to give her children a better childhood then she had. Holding onto that pain does not do anything sometimes it can delay you but people heal and cope differently.

I check my messages and see one from Samkelo telling me goodnight.

Me: Goodnight😘. I love you
First born🌼: I love you too mama❤. I'll come back quite late tomorrow.
Me: Why are you coming back late and what time is late?
First born🌼: We going on a family trip and we will be gone the whole day so we will only be back later. I'm sure I'll be home at around 20:00 or 21:00.
Me: Okay that's fine. Enjoy your trip and take many pictures.
First born🌼: I will mama.

I put my phone in the charger and change into my silk nightdress. I remove the continental pillows and leave the standard ones and open the blankets. I switch off the main light leaving the lamp lights on. I get inside the blankets and cover myself and close my eyes drifting off to a peaceful slumber.

"I'm surprised that you visiting me today." says Sukoluhle and i chuckle. "But I always visit you though." I say. "I know ngiyadlala." (I'm joking.) I pull her in for a hug and we stay like that for a while before we pull apart. "How are you?" "I'm good and you mtase." "I'm good I just missed you."

"I missed you too. I last saw you that day of the meeting." she says. "Kanti it's been that long I didn't realise this until now." I say. "That's why I said I'm surprised you visited me." I roll my eyes. "All that matters is I'm here now." "I'm glad that you are here because I'm seeing this glow i have never seen before." I feel my cheeks heat up and I  giggle.

"That giggle means that it's going good." she says. "I'm hungry Sukoluhle and you can't keep your guest standing like this." I say and she rolls her eyes. "How are you a guest when you are my sister?" "I don't live with you." "Please and now that makes you think you have upgraded to VIP treatment in this house." "Yes it makes me think like that." We laugh.

We get to the kitchen and i sit on the bar stool. She takes out plates and glasses and dishes up for us. She made lasagna with pumpkin and creamy spinach. She pours me a glass of orange juice. "I can't wait to dig in it looks and smells delicious." I say and she chuckles. "You love food too much wena." she says. "Do I love food or do I love your cooking."

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