Missing body!

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Shyam was standing outside old office of AR Designs which was now more of an abandoned building. He remembers Arnav was planning to renovate this place. But, Anjali always stopped by saying "this place vastu is not good, we shouldn't sell it or renovate it. We should leave it as it is "

Shyam always felt it as strange , didn't they check the Vastu while buying that building ?. Arnav wouldn't probably but what about others mainly Anjali and Nani , don't they check auspicious time to do smallest of things like going out of house , how did they miss this then ?

Shyam didn't knew why he was there or what he was supposed to do , since it was dark , he made his way inside .
Since building was not taken care of from years , there was dust everywhere, the walls are in very bad condition.


He recognised her voice , how can he forget the women who loved him unconditionally without any expectations , the women who knew him like no one else , the women who knew his darkness and instead of being disgusted like everyone else , she showered him with sympathy and wanted to be the much needed light for him.

"Priya , Priya where are you ? " he looked at all the direction crying , she was nowhere.

"Priya , please come to me , I missed you so much" he cried out choking on his tears.

"Please help me ... Im trapped here , it's very cold , please help me , I can't bear suffocation" her voice was painful.

"Tell me Priya where are you ?"

"I don't know it's dark ... I .. Im stuck here shyam, I think I'm already dead , but I can't move from here , my body has been decayed , the smell is unbearable.......
My Papa might be searching for me , I can hear his cries....., I'm feeling so helpless .. please .. help me, help my papa to find me , please ..."

Shyam opened his eyes with lots of pain. His whole body was aching. His eyes scanned the surrounding , the room was almost dark except for a little light from a small bulb. His mouth was dry , he wanted to reach out for water bottle kept on table infront , but he was tied to the chair.

"Someone there .. please ... Untie me .. I need to help P..Priya " his voice came out more of an whisper.

Arnav's POV

I woke up to the sunlight coming from the window. I felt relaxed since I got good sleep after so long. I looked beside me to see the bed empty.

So it was my brain fucking with me by imagining Kushi after all. I sighed.

"You woke up finally" Kushi came out from the wall

"What the ..." I shouted

She saw my expression for few seconds and started to laugh " Are you scared Arnav ji"

"I'm not " I smiled lightly , it was not my imagination , she is here.

"Arnav ji , HP had come to wake you up" she said in a very low voice as if she was letting me know some top secret of nation.

"So?" I was confused

"He couldn't see me and passed right through me" she said her eyes squinting.

"So ? " I wanted to laugh at her expression.

"Did you sell your Harward brain in chor bazar or what?"

"What the "

"What the , what the , what the .. do you know anything other then this ?"

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