Beginning of Haunting

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Arnav's POV(After 13 days)

I stood in Gupta house staring at Kushi's large photo frame which was decorated with flowers , mainly red roses , her favourite flower.

Diya's and candles were lighted around the photo frame. Her smile is still breathtaking , her eyes still twinkling. How can I believe she is no more? Even though I saw her cremation. My heart just makes it painful to except the fact each time.

It's been 13 days now, Since Kushi left us. The wound in my heart is fresh as it could be. Today the priest is conducting the havan for the peace of Kushi's soul , since she met untimely death.

Peace ? Peace my foot! How can she attain peace by stupid Havan when she has been MURDERED. Yes you herd it right ! Her life was snatched brutally by some selfish monster .

You might remember my conversation with Dr . Kapoor right ? Yes ! About him speculating slow poision in her system.

That's not the only thing which ended Kushi's life. There's lot more to it.

First thing is first, Dr. Kapoor hanged himself . He is Dead ...

Flash back (Arnav's POV)

"You know Arnavji , I'm scared of dark , it reminds of that dreadful day , the day I lost my parents , that terrible car accident on an abdomen road at late night , I was stuck at the back seat crying for help while looking at my bloodied parents dead bodies.

That night haunts me till today even if that happened ages ago and it will always continue to haunt me, darkness makes me feel vulnerable as if I'm alone in this dark world, I'm scared of being alone Arnavji , I'm scared of sleeping alone , I'm scared of speeding cars. I still now think my parents became a star to stay me , so I hang stars around my bed. Now ... Now you know everything about me right , now you can ask sorry right ?"

Her words from that day was piercing my heart today .

"I will go with Kushi in ambulance" I did not waste any time.

"Chote , how can you ... "

"Di , Kushi is scared of being alone , no one can stop me , I'm going "

I climbed inside the ambulance where her body has been place.

I had already asked the driver to keep the lights on.

I looked at her beautiful face now covered with scars of gruesome accident she met.

" You know Kushi , I'm scared of darkness too. Darkness mirrors my life and heart . And Im always scared of that. But no one knows this , no even Di , you are the first and last person to know okay , you have to keep this a secret. Can you imagine media going crazy if they know about this , you have to change my name from lard governer to darpok (scared) governer then "

I chuckled wiping my tears.

Then something intrigued me , her left cheek , there were marks , a finger print to be exact. She got injuries to right side of her head and face. But the mark on left side seemed more like .... More like being SLAPPED.

I gulped , I could see faint purple marks leading to her neck, I slowly pulled a white cloth which draped her body a little down from her neck.

What I saw did shook me. There were purple red finger prints all over her neck , to be more specific, a strangulation marks.

I fell to the the knee , my heart felt it could burst any moment. "What did you go through Kushi? " I let out a cry

I had seen how disturbed she was in morning, only if I had stopped her from leaving RM , then this would never happened to her . I felt her state was because of me . I kept my head at her feet and cried my heart out.

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