Summertime Sadness // Drew McIntyre

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Drew sat and watched as you ran and twirled in euphoric circles alongside your best friends in the whole wide world. You'd both been coincidentally invited to the same beach party by some of your closest friends. You'd made eye contact once, but after that you'd promised yourself to not look him in the eye for the rest of that day. You were there to have a good time, not reminisce about the good times you had.

And so, there you were, red polka-dot bikini hugging your softly curved hips ever so perfectly, your coke-colored hair draping perfectly down your shoulders and trailing down your waist. A chocolate coke in hand, you swayed your hips to the beat of the summertime playlist whilst your ex boyfriend looked on in agony. While you tried your best to beat your heart to the drums, his beat for you. Drew's chest tightened as he watched your dimples poke out from both your cheeks, your smile washing over him like the very water he was surrounded by.

After a while, you'd managed to slip away from your friends and find your comfort space atop a couple of large rocks. Despite being on the fence about interrupting you, Drew's heart proved to be louder than his head as he felt his legs begin to move in your direction.

'What are you doing, Drew?' He questioned himself. 'She looks so peaceful. Don't ruin things for her!!' Yet still, he persevered. As your smaller frame came into view, his heartbeat began to rise. He still felt as nervous to be around you as the day he asked you out. You'd always had that effect in him even during your long journey together. His heart fluttered for you endlessly - even after you parted ways.

"Andrew." You whispered. His heart jolted at the sound his name leaving your perfect lips for the first time in so long. A feeling of familiarity washed over him, even after all this time you could still read his every thought like he was a book you'd written yourself. A small exhale left his broad chest, Drew was at a lost for what to do now that you knew he was here. He'd no time to even think about what he'd say to you.

"What do you want?" You questioned, turning your head slightly to the right. Truth be told, your heartbeat was beginning to pick up as well. Drew was your absolute first everything and to see him again after all this time felt like a relapse.

Drew was at a lost for words. What is he supposed to say?

"I-I just wanted to see how you were doing.." he whispered, his feet planted firmly in the sand as his crystal blue eyes trailed slowly down your toned back. Your breath trembled at that. You knew he was lying. "Andrew, don't lie to me." You said tiredly. "You've been staring at me all day, shooting daggers through my back. You're here now, what do you want from me?" You stressed, now turning to meet his much taller figure head on.

As you glanced into his captivating eyes, you felt a dull sense of shame. You'd broken your promise this early on. You weren't going to let him know that, though.

"I.." he staggered. "I want you..I-I want you back," he said. "I miss everything about you."

You scoffed. "If you weren't sure, why would you leave me in the first place?" You questioned, lifting a dainty hand to cup your hip. Drew exhaled, growing more tense as the conversation progressed.

"I know I made a mistake. Forgive me, please-"

"No, you LEFT me Andrew..for no reason!"

"I KNOW THAT!" His deep voice begins to pick up, Scottish accent accentuating as he grows more frustrated. Your eyes widen as you step back cautiously. You never did like it when he yelled at you, even if it was extremely rare.

"Look, I'm sorry, Y/N." He tries, attempting to reach a hand up toward your arm. You snatch away from him, feeling hot tears well up in your eyes. This happened every time. Just like clockwork, he would yell at you, then you would cry, then he would hold you for hours whispering into your ears how sorry he was. Then, he'd make love to you until your body shook for him. Now? He couldn't hold you and tell you how sorry he was. He couldn't make love to you until your body started to shake. All he could do was watch you leave him and try with his entire soul to get you back.

As you walked off, he tried to persuade you to say, begging you to hear him out, telling you it was only because he's hurting so much. That may be true, but one thing still stands - he left you. HE left YOU. So, why should he feel an ounce of pain? You walked around a corner where you finally turned around.

"You know." You began. "You fucking ruined me, Andrew. You were my first kiss, my first love, my first TIME?! We did everything together. EVERYTHING I DID, I talked about you. ALL I WANTED WAS YOU...and you left me. You left me for your own selfish gain, because you didn't think you could have me and the road. You chose wrestling over me when you didn't even have to. That's my problem with you. You were just looking for an excuse to leave me. Now that I'm gone, why won't you leave me ALONE?!" You ranted, beating your dainty fists into his chest as you screamed at him.

This wasn't how this day was supposed to go. You weren't supposed to be crying today. The whole reason your friends invited you out was to get your mind off of things. Even after all this time, you'd be lying if you said you didn't still love him with every millimeter of your being. But you can't just run back to him every time he apologizes after he fucks up.

"Y/N..I know all that. I know I fucked up. I should never have left you. But, Baby, please understand me when I say I've lived with that regret since the day you left. I just.." He tried to rant. Yet both his pain and undying love took the best of him. Mid sentence, he caught a glimpse of your eyes - the very feature he fell in love with - and couldn't help himself anymore.

While you stared into his, he leaned in closer and closer until his lips tenderly touched yours. "Andrew..we can't.." you mumbled between kisses. But the more your lips danced against his, the drunker you got for him. He pulled away, much to your dismay, and just gazed into your eyes.

Before he could say anything else, you pressed your lips back onto his firmly, enjoying his taste.

"I can't trust you, Andrew.." you whispered as you pulled away. His heart dropped, Drew began to feel helpless as you still wouldn't budge.

"Give me another chance, Little One. I promise, I won't disappoint you. And I'll never hurt you again." His whispered, pressing his forehead against yours.

You batted your eyelashes, your heart began pounding as you and Drew held each other. You bit your lip timidly as you looked up into his eyes, exhaling a deep sigh before making your decision.

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