#19 | black lizard

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Haruka nods and hums.

Meanwhile while they were chit-chattering, outside of some factory or building, stood a man smoking, saying,
" It's time. "
All the men dressed formally in suits stood behind the man that was smoking earlier, that seemed to be the leader of the lot.
The 'factory's steel door bursting due to his metal-controlling ability.
The staffs in the factory looked at him.
Some looked at him in surprise, fear, confusion and unbotheredly.
" Gentlemen. "
The leader starts,
" You seem to be busy with your work. I apologize for the interruption. "
" What...? Who the hell are you!? "
" We are here for work, as well. Don't worry, it will be over soon. To be honest, recently, a group of damned bastards have been stealing goods from the Port Mafia to sell in the black market. "
He walks towards them,
" I hear this is one of their bases. We are here to collect evidence. May we take a look of what's inside..? "
Suddenly, a staff jumps behind him with a metal pipe, trying to stop him.
The leader of the lot of men bends the metal pipe that he was about get hit from, making the staff flung back away.
" Hmm. I have acquired the evidence. "
The man that was slung back away was now sitting on the ground, holding the metal pipe in shock.
" The.. The metal pipe.. "
" Is this the first time you've witnessed the use of abilities? "
The staff screamed in pain and a few seconds later, he dies.

" Kill them all. "
The old leader says to the men dressed in suits with shotguns in their hand.
He walks out of the now corpse-filled place, smoking,
" Sure enough, cigarettes tastes exceptionally good after a job well done. "

Once [Y/N] and Haruka left together to get some coffee,
Atsushi hears a loud 'boom'.
' An explosion..!? Could it be.. the Port Mafia!? '

When Atsushi ran outside, he heard,
" All slaughtered!? "
" How horrible! "
" According to the military force, the culprit is the 'Black Lizard', a ruthless operation force even in the combat division of the Port Mafia. "
" I hear they are as skilled in combat as special forces and are terribly savage. "
Atsushi looks down to the ground in fear, mumbling,
" 'Black Lizard'; .. Combat division of the Port Mafia.. "
' If those kind of people come barging into the Armed Detective Agency's office.. '

Atsushi dials someone,
Dial, dial, click.

" Who's speaking? "
Higuchi's voice comes from the other side of the telephone.
" It's me. "
Atsushi replies back to the woman.
" Weretiger!? "
' I see.. He read the business card I gave to the Armed Detective Agency.. '
" Although I let your companion save you the other day, I won't let you off next time. "
She pauses,
" Well then. What do you want? "
" I will leave the Armed Detective Agency. "
" What..!? "
" I'll resign and run away on my own. Catch me if you can. "
" I see.. So, ' Please leave the Armed Detective Agency alone ' ? "

Atsushi hangs the telephone up with no reply or anything.


Atsushi, running down the stairs from his room in hurry with a filled looking bag behind him, by chance meets Kunikida and [Y/N].
They both were carrying some things which looked like files, etc.
" Huh! So that's where you are, brat. Thanks to you, we're working our butts off. Give me and [Y/N] a hand and.. "
Atsushi unexpectedly just walks past Kunikida and [Y/N] without saying anything.
" .. Hey? "
Kunikida and [Y/N] turns their head back, confused and raising brows.
" .. Please don't worry. The Armed Detective Agency will be safe this way, Kunikida-san and [Y/N]-san. "
The two looks at Atsushi, dumbfounded, then Kunikida saying,
" Huh?? "

Atsushi runs off hurriedly with no explanation to what he said of whatsoever,
Atsushi frowns,
' " There is no place for you in the entire world! ".
Like he said, I... '


A/N :

man sorry for not updating in a while my badd


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