Chapter 1

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Stepping out of her shitty rental car into the dimly lit honky tonk parking lot Ella Mccree can already feel the pain of a headache forming behind her eyes. She flew out from San Diego on a red eye to get to this shithole, filled with enough anger to fly the damn plane herself. She swore when she was here the last time that she would never set foot in this damn town again and yet here she is, pushing through the sweaty bodies of horn dog cowboys and navy pilots to find the bane of her existence.

He's here of course, holding court by the pool tables, looking every bit the cocky asshole he presents himself to be. He's always been a bit of a douche, that was part of his appeal; well until it wasn't. She couldn't help the way her stomach flipped as she looked at him, the memories flooding her mind would make anyone blush. First kiss, first time, her first everything had been with Jake Seresin, he was supposed to be the only one, but that hadn't worked out as planned. Nothing had where they were concerned.

She squared her shoulders, his pretty boy looks didn't work on her anymore and she was here in this tacky bar for a reason, he wouldn't distract her. In her ridiculously expensive pumps and form fitting black suit she marched over to him and dropped her briefcase in the middle of the pool table, a chorus of what the hells ringing out as she rounds on him, perfectly manicured finger poking him in the chest, shock clearly written all over his face before he schools his features. She'd caught him by surprise; good, maybe this time he'd actually listen.

"Jake! You stubborn redneck hick, I swear to God if I have to cut your damn hand off and sign these papers myself I will." If he was phased by her colorful vocabulary he didn't show it, simply throwing back the rest of his beer and sitting it on the corner of the nearest table as he looked her over, the mischief in his eyes evident in his gaze.

"Hey baby, it's been a while. How're things at home?" He said with a grin, knowing it would absolutely irritate the shit out of her, he loved riling her up, it was almost like he had a death wish sometimes but then again being an ex fighter pilot just confirmed that.

"Hey. Baby?! Are you kidding me right now?! Oooh!! You are the most annoying person on the planet!" She said shaking her head jerkily and balling her hands into fists, she needed to get it together. There was a reason to be here, get it done and get the hell out of this town, don't let him distract you Ella you're better than this.

Someone behind her said something to the extent of damn I like this girl and out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of a brunette woman sending impressed looks her way. Well at least someone was entertained, she thought.

She leaned across him to grab the papers from her briefcase, his body stiffening under her and she knew despite his cool exterior she had him rattled. She ran a hand across his uniform top, noticing the falter in his grin as he blinked at her and slammed the stack of papers into his chest.

"I have sent these damn papers through your lawyer 4 times in the past 6 months and they keep coming back unsigned, if you are so incompetent that you can't use a pen, maybe you shouldn't be allowed to fly a jet, given your lack of a brain. Sign the damn papers Jake, it's been 3 years. You very clearly aren't interested in being a husband so why the hell won't you just divorce me?"

Everyone around them seems to go quiet at this, none of his coworkers even knew he had been in a serious relationship, let alone married.

He sticks a toothpick between his lips and pretends to mull over her words as she taps her heel on the sticky bar floor. She already knows what he's going to say, the same bullshit line he's given her their entire life. "You know damn well why Ella Bella, because I promised to love you til the day you die and as far as I can tell you're still breathin' so we're still married."

She rakes a hand through her wavy red hair and gives him a look that could burn the world down. "If I could go back knowing what I know now I'd have never made that damn promise. Stop holding me hostage and sign the damn papers, I'm not leaving town until you do." She yanks up her bag and stomps out towards the exit, everyone in the group parting like the Red Sea to let her out. Meanwhile Jake still seems cool as a cucumber, completely unbothered as he lines up his next shot and chuckles as he watches her walk out of the bar.

"Uh you planning on giving us an explanation Hangman?" Natasha Trace is the first to speak up, she does enjoy seeing him brought down a peg from time to time but she's pretty sure she's seen him more upset over what was for lunch at the dining facility than he is right now.

"Oh that? Eh she'll be alright, Ella is all bark and no bite. She knows how much I love her, just gotta remind her is all, she and I will be just fine when she comes to her senses." He seems awfully sure of himself, but she'd noticed something he clearly didn't. A big ass diamond ring on her ring finger, no wedding band in sight. She has a thought to say something but thinks better of it; let him crash and burn all on his own and maybe invite the girl out for lunch and some gossip if she can find out her number. Jake's hometown is just a few miles out from the Kingsville Navy base they're stationed at, maybe an old friend of his has her info, she files that away for tomorrow's problems and grabs another drink.

Ella is heated, she clumsily fumbles her keys by her car door as she curses, she knew he wouldn't go for it but damnit if she didn't hope he'd come to his senses. They'd been split for almost three years?! What was keeping him from letting her go? Pride? Idiocy?! She didn't have time for this, she had plans of her own and they didn't include begging her delusional husband for a divorce for the millionth time.

Her phone began to buzz in her pocket as she finally got the car unlocked and settled into the seat. She heaved a sigh out and put on her brightest smile, answering the face time call with fake enthusiasm.

"Well? How'd he take it?" the raspy voice on the other side of the line says, tan skin and bronze hair and those puppy dog eyes she loves so much gazes at her over the screen, and he can tell she's pissed. "About as well as I thought. I'm gonna be here a few more days I reckon, maybe I can get one of them to get him to pull his head out of his ass, because it definitely didn't work like I hoped." She says the last words with a waver in her voice, she hates that she's tearing up over this.

Bradley Bradshaw sighs over the screen and runs his hand over his face, he knew it wasn't going to be as easy as she thought. "Need me to come down there? I can hop a flight? We can order a pizza and get trashed."

As good as that sounds, his presence would only make it worse, and they both know it.

"No baby, it's ok. I'll see you soon alright? I just need to go to my hotel and sleep, I'll try again tomorrow. Maybe call Natasha and see if she can help me with some intel though? She seemed pretty interested in what was going on, and might be an ally."

He knows Natasha Trace well, and she definitely would be very helpful if he asked, so he nods his head in agreement and ends the call with I love yous and promises of a back rub when she gets home.

He knows the bomb that's going to go off as soon as Seresin finds out everything, but he also knows the real reason Jake won't give Ella what she wants. It's guilt plain and simple, and Bradley isn't interested in watching his fiancée get hurt by his former rival anymore. Only Ella knows the whole truth, but are either men ready for it? 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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