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Drretro was at her office, cleaning the desk and her utensils. She wasn't expecting anyone to come since it was late but a pinkish figure came at the door..

They also had someone beside them. Once they came in, Drretro's eyes widened. Yet, she was expecting these two to come but not at this time. It was Kasper and Lampert.

"Hey.. sorry Dr.Retro. I know it's late.. but Kasper has been sick all week and he has an extremely high fever.." Lampert had fear in his eyes, he was holding onto Kasper who was on the verge of fainting. Drretro took notice of this situation and sighed whilst taking them into the clinic room.

She laid Kasper onto the bed, he was sniffing endlessly and coughing quite a lot. For safety reasons, she put on her gloves and mask to not catch this.. 'sickness'.

"So.. Kasper?.. How long has this been going?" She asked. Kasper looked down at his feet, then quietly answered between coughs, "About a week.-..". Lampert sat on a chair behind the two, worried sick for his best friend. Deary me.. what if he has to be hospitalised? He shook his head, taking his mind off the dreaded thoughts.

Drretro took Kasper's temperature and checked his body. After she fully checked him, she had no idea what his condition was. It was unknown. Lampert was in a state of shock, Kasper was zoned out so he didn't quite understand the situation he's in.

Drretro passed him some medications to ease the sickness and let him go on with his day, she politely thanked Lampert for helping Kasper. She put her hand out to shake his hand, but Lampert took his hand away from her being the germaphobe he was.

The two went home, Drretro watched them.

time skip...

It was the next day, Kasper hadn't felt better and Lampert was worried sick. Mostly worried about catching his virus, but he also cared for his friend. He didn't want him to end up in critical condition.. Lampert would visit him each day to make sure he's taking his meds and staying healthy since Kasper doesn't take care of himself well. Often, Lampert would bring him to Drretro, it costed a ton but Kasper kept suffering from different symptoms which made Drretro VERY curious.

Although none of them knew what caused this, she's been trying to find a cure. It's difficult with no given patients with this virus since Kasper is the first one she has seen with this.. so she had to deal with what she had. Lampert was her only witness.

"i-uH.. d0n'T.." Kasper tried getting out, he hacked loudly. His speech was all muddled up, Drretro was shocked as he heard Kasper speak. She hadn't heard him speak much nowadays, plus, his voice was different.. and his speech dialect was harder to understand..

"Sorry? What was that?" She replied, desperately trying to listen to him whilst rubbing his back to soothe his coughing. Lampert stared, his hands cupping eachother as he watched with worry on his face.

Kasper didn't reply, he just kept quiet. He didn't want to have a coughing fit again, Drretro sighed and walked over to Lampert.

"I'm afraid your dear friend Kasper has received an unknown disease.. I reckon it's been caught from some infected script.." She silently says to Lampert so Kasper couldn't hear. Lampert looked down at his feet, holding back tears. He couldn't believe this.. a virus this rare even doctors don't know?..

He nods and calls Kasper over, Kasper hops off the bed, shaking heavily as he waddled over to Lampert who held onto Kasper as they walked back to his apartment.


At the apartment, Lampert sat on Kasper's bed. Kasper was laid inside the bed and was drinking soup which was made by the lamp.

"Kasper.. where did this sickness come from? Did you purchase something that was logged with a virus?" Lampert asks, very concerned for him. Kasper looks down at the empty bowl of soup he was holding, his hands were shaking and his nose was running. He had no tissue in his apartment so he kept wiping his nose with his sleeves which disgusted Lampert.

"I d-dUnn0.." he sneezed and wiped his nose, Lampert moved a bit away from him. Kasper's head felt very fuzzy.. he could hardly remember anything.

"Kasper... speak to me."

Kasper?.. who's Kasper? His mind played tricks on him, soon enough he hardly recognised his own name. Nonetheless, who was talking to him.. no.. he knew who this was. Lam-pert..? My name isn't Kasper.. it's..

"mY nam3's iNf3cTeD." Lampert gasped, he was stunned. Once 'Kasper' finally spoke proper words, he said this.. even though Lampert could barely understand him he knew what he said.

"You're Kasper.. what do you mean?" Lampert backed up a bit, seeing how stern Infected's look was. He stared at Lampert, his nose dripping with pink and black tiles. Suddenly his whole house stared changing textures, it was the same texture as what his nose was filled with.

Lampert ran out of there, he ran back to ROkea. He had no idea what's going on but he had to get out of there. Luckily, the tiles didn't reach him due to his speed.

What the fuck... he thought.

That night, he spent it at ROkea. Sleeping on the homemade beds.. it was comfy but lonely.


sorry i made this at night, so it might have a lot of mistakes..

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