One with the crystal 🧿

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crystal origin part 2 🤗


<Tripmine POV>

These crystals.. they made quite an impact on my abilities. This truly has been a magnificent achievement! I have been able to store my crystals in a cylinder shaped container which can be used like a backpack. It's very useful!!

Little did Medkit know.. I planned this crystal for the opposite reason he made it; I've made these pink crystals to HARM others.

Yes, the original plan was to 'save the world' and that junk but why help people when you can harm them instead? It's less stressful and more fun! I really don't see Medkit's point here.. like.. these phighters are fine on their own!!

Medkit was standing right next to me whilst I was thinking, I felt his mesmerising presence. I could tell he was about to scold me about some trash like 'you're doing this wrong' I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!! It's always 'Tripmine this Tripmine that!'.. He thinks I can't handle this myself?! I'm the better scientist here.

I felt a soft hand on my shoulder, it pinched me a little but the soft texture endured me quite a bit, startled me too. Meddy was glancing at me in confusion, I realised that he saw how angered I looked..

"Tripmine. What is your problem?" He asked me with a genuine puzzled look, I had no idea that he could see my rage. It wasn't his business though... actually.. he kind of caused it so..

"Nothing Meddy! Don't disturb me!!" I harshly replied so he would get off my tail. He scoffed and turned back to his papers whilst I, the great Tripmine, starting working on my latest invention! It's going to be an attack robot that will kill anything in sight! I wouldn't like to reveal anything else since.. it isn't ready. I just started planning it out, Hah!

This crystal power has given me much more motivation and strength, I phreaking love it.. It's extremely poisonous too!! I could shove it into someone's skin and watch them burn!! HAHAHA!!.. Wait no.. what am I thinking?..



<Medkit POV>

Something's off with Tripmine, he's been getting angry for no reason and has been excessively laughing.. I don't know what's wrong with him. Does it have something to do with his personal life? Is he taking drugs or what?..

Shouldn't think like that.

He's also planning out this weird robot, he says it's a servant or something that could help out. The question is that why does it have sharp weapons? I asked him that but he replied with 'it's for defense'! Yeah right.

Soon enough.. something snapped inside me. I realised what he's been doing this whole time.

He never wanted to save the world..

He wanted to END it.

My eyes shot right at him, I glared hard at him until he realised and stared back at me. He was quite confused, a bit annoyed too. I could tell something was bothering him, he's looked so angry nowadays.

"What are you looking at?!" He shouted at me, very defiantly. He was so defensive over what? The fact that he has a complete different reasoning from me?

"I know your plan" I call him out, he instantly knew what I was talking about.

"You finally got on I see?.." He outright admits his plan, how sociopathic is this guy? He then gives all his details to his master plan, using the crystals to poison and make people his test subjects. Outrageous. Unbelievable. Unforgivable. This man's out of his mind.

I step forward, getting closer to him. I had the sudden urge to knock him down for what he's planning. I can't allow that. I won't allow it. He noticed my movements and quickly pulled out an unknown substance from his cylinder bag. He was giggling manically, never have I seen him like this.

I knew he was crazy but this is too far, he's gone insane. His claw reached out for his pink crystal, he then pinned me down onto the desk pushing all the stuff off it. I lunge him off me and put my foot onto his chest, surprisingly, he grabbed my leg and hit me onto the ground next to him.

We were having a full blown out fight in the laboratory now, physically grabbing anything that could hurt one another. Soon enough, I was grabbed onto the floor by Tripmine. He had me pinned down, I couldn't move. He was holding his crystal in his hand, as if he was going to harm me with it. My eyes teared up, no.. he couldn't do this. No way, not after everything we done together.

"Tripmine.. you can't do this.." I pleaded out to him, hoping he'd change his ways and it'll be back to normal.

He stared down at me with a huge smile on his face.

"My name is not Tripmine."

My eyes widened, that was not an expected answer. His hand was getting closer to me, the glow of the crystal was right infront of my eye. I screamed and kicked my legs like a child but his grip was hard.

Everything went black.

I opened my 'eyes' to find blood all over where I was laying. For some reason, it was pink..? Pink.. PINK! It was TRIPMINE. He.. he..

I looked up to see Tripmine holding something.. it was.. too blurry to see.. I blinked a few times to cure my vision. I then saw that he was holding.. an eyeball?.. wait.

I placed my hands over my eye, I then checked my fingers. Blood. Blood all over. It was my eyeball. Gone. The blood dripped down onto the floor, it was all over my face, clothes, hands and floor. Hell, it was painful. I cried and sobbed as hard as I ever before. I couldn't believe him. Why.. over this? Our differences had to tear us apart..

"It's Subspace T. Mine!! Get it right!" He chuckled, nibbling at the eyeball he ripped out. I was disgusted. He's a terrible being that should be executed..

I buckled up the strength and reached out for the bag of crystals 'Subspace' left on the desk. He took notice of what I was doing and grabbed for it, we were suddenly playing tug of war then. Unfortunately for Subspace, he grabbed the other end of the bag and all the pink crystals launched onto his face. Burning through his skin.

He shrieked in pain and held onto his face, the acid soaked through his right eye and mouth. Deserved. I scoffed at him and ran for my life. I had to get out of here, it wasn't safe. Not anymore. I grabbed my box of healing green crystals and ran out of the laboratory.

They can call me a traitor. I don't care. My too priorities are getting out of here alive.

I then reached the bus stop of Blackrock, the bus was not there so I just sprinted away. I had no idea where I was going, as long as it wasn't here. Subspace can't find me here.. I hope.

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