Chapter 31

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The sound of the slap resonated in the room, followed by a maddening silence. Logan stared at me in disbelief, unsure if I could ever slap him.
"How dare you even think of saying something like this to me?" I hissed at him. 

Logan wrapped his hand around my throat and pulled me closer to his face. His hot, angry breath fanned my face, and I squirmed in his hold. 

"You don't mind sleeping with an old hag like Jonathan. Your reservation is only for me," Logan's voice was threateningly low growl. 

 "I will sleep with whoever I wish," I snapped. 

 "A whore like you isn't supposed to differentiate between her customers," he taunted. 

"I don't stick to stereotypes," I replied and tried to wriggle out of his hold, but to no avail. 

He held my neck in a vise-like grip, "Leave me," I cried in frustration. 

"No matter how much you resist Christina. I will have you in my bed one way or the other," Logan's words held a promise, and a shiver of fright traveled down my spine. 

"In your dreams," I spat with disgust. 

I couldn't believe he was the same man I once loved and was still in love with. I wanted no one in my life other than him, and he had been my first in everything. Still, he didn't hesitate to tag me as a whore. 

How could he be blinded by such hatred? Why didn't he ask me once why I did what I did? He was so blinded by his rage and thirst for revenge that he could not see my suffering. 

Logan slipped his hand in my hair and yanked my face backward. A painful sob escaped my mouth from the way my scalp ached. 

"You are hurting me," my voice broke from my tears. 

"This is nothing compared to what you made me go through," he replied in a voice devoid of emotions. 

His face was contorted with rage, and his nostrils flared. My insides trembled, looking at his furious expression. I gulped the lump that formed in my throat. 

"I will hurt you a hundredfold more than you hurt me," he implied in a cold voice. 

A tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheeks. He was not the man that I fell in love with. Logan was nothing but a monster out for vengeance. 

A knock sounded on the door, and Logan loosened his grip from around me and took a step away. I wiped the traitorous tears that rushed out from my eyes with the back of my hand. 

"Come in," Logan called out after settling on his chair. 

Cynthia entered after a moment with a file in her hand, "Mr. Preston asked me to deliver this file to you," she announced, walking towards Logan's desk. 

Preston was the head architect in our company and worked on the project with Logan and his team. Cynthia handed Logan the file, halting beside his chair. She stood so close to him that her arm brushed Logan's shoulder. 

Logan took the file from her and skimmed through it. While Cynthia scrutinized my expressions with her sharp gaze. 

"Thank you," Logan replied, "I will go through it." 

"Everyone is very excited about the company party on Saturday," Cynthia said, batting her eyelashes at Logan. 

"I am looking forward to attending it," Logan replied dryly. 

"Christina, did you find a date to accompany you?" She asked me with a fake smile. 

"I am sure there must be a lot of contenders for Ms. Williams to choose from," Logan taunted, glaring at me. 

I felt my face getting heated. Logan never let go of any chance to humiliate me. 

"I am sure Mr. Smith would be the first in line. Will you be accompanying Jonathan, Christina?" Cynthia's smile resembled that of a hyena. 

"Oh, why would I go with Jonathan when I can with someone better?" I asked back with a sugar-coated smile. 

Cynthia stared at me, stunned, while I could feel Logan's smoldering gaze on me. If she thought she could bully me and get away with it every time, she had another thing coming. 

"Who are you going with?" She asked, getting over her shock. 

 "May I excuse myself?" I turned to Logan and asked, ignoring Cynthia.

I had no plan of attending the party and providing everyone fodder for more gossip. But I didn't want Cynthia to know that. Let her keep guessing with whom I was going to go. 

Logan passed me a death glare, "You can leave, Ms. William," and stated in a cold voice. 

I left his office, sighing in relief, and went straight to the restrooms. After splashing cold water on my face and fixing my disheveled hair, I walked out of there.  

 Samuel and Joan were arguing in our cubicle when I approached it. I passed Joan a questioning glance. Samuel was still not speaking to me, so there was no use in asking him anything. 

"Samuel is skipping the party on Saturday," Joan said with her voice full of resentment. 

I glanced at Samuel, startled. Did Logan's words affect him so much that he was ready to skip the party? 

"Christina, you need to ask him to come with us," Joan insisted. 

"I don't think I will be coming to the party either," I replied. 

Samuel and Joan stared at me, astonished. I had been thinking about not attending the party, and after what happened today in Logan's office, it would be a wise decision to stay as far away from such events as possible.   

"Why?" Joan cried out. 

"I don't think I would be needed there. Besides, I want to spend my day with Aiden and Mom," I answered. 

"Come on, Tina, you can't be serious about this. You can spend the day with Aiden and attend the party in the evening," she protested. 

Joan wouldn't understand my reasons for avoiding going to the party. Jonathan was being his perverted self, while Logan was hell-bent on hurting and humiliating me.

"Sorry, Joan, but I am not sure if I will be able to come," I replied, then settled on my seat. 

It was a shitty day in all regards, and I wanted to get over it as soon as possible. Samuel may or may not come to the party, but I sure was not going to go. 

I had no idea at that moment that I wouldn't only go to the party but commit the biggest mistake of my life.

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