Chapter 33

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I informed Joan that I would be attending the party, and she gave me a Cheshire cat smile, "We both can get ready at my place." 

 "I don't have a good enough dress that I can wear at the party," I admitted hesitantly. 

It was one of the reasons I wanted to avoid going to the party. I didn't have money to spend on a dress to attend an event. I didn't want to be there in the first place. 

"Don't worry, you can wear one of my dresses," Joan offered with an open heart, "they will fit you better in a couple of places," she eyed my breasts and hips. 

"I don't think it will be a good idea," her suggestion didn't go down well with my modest upbringing. 

Being born in an aristocratic family, I had been raised with values that might not be important in the eyes of the modern world, but we held them dearly. The first and foremost was not wearing revealing clothes. It was not just the royal family that followed dressing protocols in public. The Williams always maintained a particular image in the public eye. 

"Come on, Tina, I am not asking you to show up in a bikini. You have an amazing body. Why hide it?" Joan arched her brow at me in disdain. 

"Okay," I agreed unwillingly.  

I received a call from Jeremy before dinner. He asked me if he could pick up Aiden for practice tomorrow. Our apartment was on the way to the park from his place. Aiden was looking forward to practicing on Saturday, and I told Jeremy I would be too happy if he could do me the favor. 

Jeremy came over in the morning. Aiden was ready and had just finished breakfast. I packed an egg sandwich for Jeremy, along with coffee. 

"You are a lifesaver," he grinned when I handed him the breakfast, "I stayed up late last night working on an app and couldn't wake up on time to prepare breakfast. I was going to buy it on the way, but you saved me the hassle." 

Jeremy kissed my cheek, and I blushed. He stared at me in amusement. 

"If only a kiss on the cheek can make you blush, I can't imagine what," l interrupted him before he could say further, "I think you said enough."

Jeremy pouted like a child, and I chuckled at his reaction, "You are getting late," I reminded him. 

"Oh yes," he exclaimed in embarrassment, then turned and opened his car door for Aiden. 

He buckled the seat belt after Aiden slipped in, closed the door, and turned to me, "I will drop him off after practice if you don't plan to pick him up." 

"That would be great. It would save me a lot of time. I have to do the laundry for the week and have to attend an office party in the evening," I replied in gratitude. 

"No problem, I'm too happy to help," Jeremy gave me a broad smile, then jogged around the car to the driver's seat. 

He and Aiden waved at me before leaving, who had a broad grin on his face. It was clear that he adored Jeremy and didn't hesitate to go with him alone. Maybe I should give Jeremy a chance. He was a decent guy and was good with kids. What could I possibly lose? It had been years since I had been with a man.

Logan's image flashed in my mind, and I tried to shake it away. Whenever I thought of giving anyone else a chance, his thoughts would plague my mind. It was high time I got over him and moved on. He hated me, and there was no chance of a future with him. 

Jeremy dropped Aiden home before lunchtime. I invited him for lunch, but he declined politely, saying he met his friends for lunch every Saturday. 

Aiden told me that he met Logan again at the park, and he bought ice cream for him. Logan and Aiden were bonding too fast for my liking, making my stomach churn. I didn't like them getting close because I feared what might happen when the truth came out. 

Logan would hate me, and I had no idea how he might react to Aiden's existence. I didn't want Aiden to get in the crossfire, and I was afraid Logan might exactly do that because of our past. 

Pol came over after lunch, and I left for Joan's place. She lived on the other side of the city, and I had to change two buses to reach her place. But it was near the hotel, which was the event venue for the night. 

"I was afraid you might not show up," Joan said when she opened the door. 

"It will only give Logan another reason to harass me," I blurted, without realizing what I was doing. 

Joan stared at me momentarily and said, "I couldn't understand what he wants from you. Sometimes, he looks at you like he wants nothing but to kill you, but at times, I have seen him looking at you with a longing." 

My heart shrank in my chest and then expanded with full force. It was not only me who had noticed the conflict in Logan's behavior. First Cynthia and then Joan, they both have noticed it along with me. His conflicting behavior drove me insane. I was unable to understand what he wanted from me. 

"Let's just forget about him for now and focus on the problem at our hands. Do you think you can fit these in any of your dresses?" I asked Joan, pointing at my boobs. 

They were a size or two bigger than Joan, and I doubted that I might fit into anything she owned. Though Joan looked optimistic that she would find me something to wear for the night. 

"I think I have the perfect dress," she pulled me along with her to the closet. 

Joan pulled out a white-colored knee-length form-fitting dress, "I bought this one at a discount. Didn't even try it out because the price was so low. Turned out it was loose on the chest," she handed me the dress. 

The dress was beautiful. The fabric was so soft to the touch that I wanted to moan. It only had spaghetti steps at the shoulders and was backless. 

"Joan, this is too revealing," I said, shaking my head in a no. 

"Puh-lease, you need to wear it. This dress is dying to be worn, and as I can't fit in it, you are the only one who could wear it," she insisted. 

I was not sure if it was a good idea and scanned through her closet to find something else to wear. I even tried a couple of dresses, one yellow and one peach, but my boobs were practically spilling out of them. 

"I told you, this is the dress for you," Joan picked up the white dress and declared. 

I sighed in frustration. There was no other choice left for me. Either I would have to buy a new dress or wear the one she offered. Remembering the figure of my account balance, the second option sounded perfect. 

"Alright," I groaned in annoyance, and Joan yelped in delight. 

 It took us nearly two hours to get ready. Joan helped with my hair and makeup, and I returned the favor gladly. 

"You look stunning," she said, with her tone full of admiration, fixing my hair to the side with a bobby pin. 

"Thanks," I replied and studied my reflection in the mirror. 

The dress fitted me perfectly, accentuating every curve of my body. Joan had done a remarkable job with my hair and make-up. She even loaned me her pearl strand and pearl studs, which belonged to her mother, even after my refusal. 

"You could have made a career in modeling. With your looks and that body, companies will line up to make you the face of their brand," she praised. 

Joan often suggested to me to try my hand at modeling, and I politely declined her every time. I knew the moment my face appeared in a commercial, it would be the end for me. I couldn't afford to be found by them. I knew they could go to any extent to get what they wanted. 

I didn't use any Social Media for the same reason because I didn't want them to learn about my whereabouts. Hiding from them was my only solace, and if they found out about Aiden, they might use him to blackmail me to do their bidding.

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