Apo have to return

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I was looking out of the airport. It was crowded outside. I was sitting in the waiting area, watching families arriving to greet their loved ones or bid them farewell.

In the center, I saw a mother bidding goodbye to her son with teary eyes. She told him to eat and sleep on time, and always take care of himself. Since she wouldn't be there to cook for him or tidy up his room, he needed to learn to do those things himself.

Across the way, a brother was encouraging his younger sibling. The younger brother appeared upset, on the verge of losing his composure. The older brother comforted him, telling him that if he faced any problems, he could call and talk to his older brother.

I saw a friend who was clearly teasing his buddy, joking that if he left, he would take care of his girlfriend and steal her away.

Then, I witnessed a father shedding tears of joy as he embraced his son tightly. A proud smile adorned his face as he hugged and kissed his son's forehead. Clearly, he was a proud father.

These interactions stirred something in Mile. He watched the father and saw the depth of love he had for his son.

Mile had never experienced this kind of affection from his own father. There was only one time he did, and it turned out to be the last. Despite always being at the top in school - excelling in sports, arts, competitions, studies, science, and leadership - he never received that level of love and support from his father. He is always 1st in everything.

Still, everything Mile achieved was for his grandfather and father. He did it all for them, but it never seemed to be enough.

Meanwhile, Apo was the student who sat at the back of the class, not excelling in anything. He didn't strive for perfection and didn't receive much affection either.

Their lives were always controlled by Chai Romsaitong. The reason they couldn't enjoy life was because of Chai.

"Mr. Phakphum."

I was startled by the voice behind me and turned my head to see Mr. Gus standing there, his face pale. My racing heart calmed down.

"Mr. Gus, how is the situation with Grandpa?" Mr. Gus's face grew even paler as he picked up my luggage and let out a deep sigh. My heart sank; I could already sense something was wrong.

I returned to Thailand alone, without letting Apo know about it. Grandpa didn't threaten me, but his calm demeanour still terrified me.

"It's not looking good, Mr. Phakphum. I advise you to be polite. Don't provoke his anger," Mr. Gus said as he pulled my luggage out of the airport entrance and placed it in the trunk.

My phone rang, and I checked the caller ID. Apo was calling, but I didn't answer. I put the phone on silent mode instead; I wasn't ready to take that call and explain my situation.

The car drove away from the airport towards the mansion. Nervously, I got out of the car and followed Mr. Gus inside. The atmosphere in the mansion felt tense and heated.

Because Grandpa was resting on the couch along with my and Apo's parents, I sensed they were hoping to see us together. My solo arrival seemed to disappoint them a little.

The first person I sought out was Mama Moon. I found her sitting in a dark corner. I glanced in her direction for some time before shifting my gaze to my mom, who seemed indifferent as always.

It was as if she didn't care about me at all.

Chai Romsaitong, seated in the centre of the couch, finally spoke up, and Mr. Gus entered the scene as well. I didn't see him carrying my luggage or anyone else doing so.

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