catching feelings

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Lucia's pov

After everyone left the house, I went straight the bed. But I couldn't seem to fall asleep, I was stuck in my own thoughts.

The thoughts of leah

After I kissed her and her flirting...I think?

I lay there just staring at my ceiling, staring into space really.

I think turned over hoping to fall asleep, but no luck. Then I turned over again, towards the bedside dresser where my phone lies.

Before I could even think I grabbed my phone and into my contacts.


Lucia: only figured out now what you meant

Then I began to rethink my decision on texting her, and just as I was about to delete the message. She answers.

Leah: oh ya? And why you up now its pretty late?

Lucia: I can't sleep

Leah: why? You got something on your mind?

Lucia: ya I do

Leah: what is it?

Lucia: you

Then it was read, but no reply, then...

Leah: typing...

Then it stopped


Leah: typing...

Then it stopped again

But then she replies

Leah: me? Why were you thinking of me?

Lucia: just thinking about you that's all

Mabye I should tell her that I can't stop thinking about our kiss....

Leah: ya right....

Lucia: shut up. Well I'm going to sleep now talk tomorrow

Leah: goodnight.


I woke up the next morning, surprisingly in a good mood.

I hopped out of bed, with a spring I'm my step, going into the kitchen. I made myself a cup of coffee, then made myself some toast before getting dressed for training then brushing my teeth.

"Beth,viv am I dropped ye to training?" I shouted up the stairs

"Ya!" Beth shouts back

"Hurry up I'm leaving soon!" I shout back

After waiting about 20 minutes for thr both of them, we finally left for training.


I told Beth and viv to head inside while I park the car and I would bring their bags in.

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