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Sunghoon's back hurts. A lot.

And that's how he wakes up.

He slept on the couch last night since Sunoo fell asleep on his bed, curled in on himself and wrapped around Sunghoon's pillow with the most comfortable look on his face that Sunghoon has ever seen. He simply couldn't wake him up. He wouldn't, even if he didn't know about his insomnia.

So that's how he finds himself sprawled on the living room couch, limbs everywhere and one of his feet actually already on the floor, as if his body was ready to get the hell out of the uncomfortable position. He opens his eyes slowly, adjusting to the light that's coming in through the window, since he forgot to close the blinds.

It's much too early, and he worked through most of the night, so he must have slept just around 4 or 5 hours. His mind pleads him to succumb to sleep, but his body is demanding a change of position.

It's been almost 8 hours since Sunoo fell asleep in his bed, so Sunghoon thinks it's likely the other is already up, since Sunoo is usually always the first to wake up. The last to fall asleep.

With this in mind, Sunghoon drags himself to his room slowly but with intent, expecting to find his vacant bed welcoming him, but as he arrives he can see Sunoo's still exactly where he left him. Sunghoon stands frozen, not having expected this at all.

His mind is still buzzing from the lack of sleep, and that must be why he lets himself really look at Sunoo. His mouth is ajar, eyes closed, a comfortable expression on his face. He seems so at ease, his features relaxed and so beautiful.

He hears someone getting out of the bathroom across the corridor and the sound startles him, interrupting his careful analyses of the others form. He looks over his shoulder to see a tired Jay dragging himself back to his own room. Sunghoon feels too awkward now to try to catch more sleep, so he opts to go shower and see if he can work for a bit before classes.

His head is pounding a bit as he stretches, hoping it will give his back some solace. But as he walks out of the shower with the same back pain he got in, he predicts it's going to be a difficult day.


Sun: What do you think about pink hair?

Sunghoon looks at his phone with a quirked brow. Since when does Sunoo send him random questions like this?

It's true they've been texting more ever since their little outing. Sunghoon thinks it was a success, since Sunoo seems to be much more relaxed around him now. Sometimes Sunoo texts Sunghoon something basic from their day to day lives, like where the milk is or if he can grab some bagels on the way.

There isn't any tension between them now, and ever since that night he's let Sunoo watch him work more than once, since it seems to calm the other, Sunghoon can notice how Sunoo's posture goes slack and how it often leads to him dozing off. He hasn't fallen asleep in his bed again after the other night, but Sunghoon can see that when he goes away, he's dragging his feet and his eyelids are practically closed. He almost asks for him to stay, to sleep there. Almost. Sunghoon honestly wouldn't mind. It's weird how comfortable and easy it is to be in Sunoo's company.

HOON: I honestly prefer your blond hair?

Sun: how do you know it's for me?

HOON: is it not?

Sun: no.. it is... but I really want the pink now

HOON:I can read you pouting

Sun:wow you're really getting to know me

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