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Sunoo would be lying if he said he wasn't relieved to see Sunghoon's reaction to his light advances.

He woke up to an almost full night of sleep, snuggled up on Sunghoon's body, limbs intertwined and appreciating the way the other's chest moved as he breathed deeply. He wishes it wasn't so creepy to watch your friend slash maybe-more-than-friend sleep before he woke up, but he couldn't take his eyes off from his relaxed face until the moment Sunghoon's eyes started to flutter open.

Sunoo's heart is not used to this.

Part of him just wants to kiss the hell out of Sunghoon and get the tension over with. Start to slowly build everything from there. But... he's scared.

He can see by the other's behavior that every day Sunghoon gives a little bit more. His gaze stays on Sunoo for a moment longer, his hand curls around his more often nowadays, and he's initiating contact much more frequently.

It warms Sunoo's heart to catch all these slight changes.

However, Sunoo doesn't want to scare Sunghoon away. Doesn't want to take a bigger step than his own leg allows and fall. He thinks he's reading things well, thinks the reciprocated feelings he sees are there, yet there's still fear preventing him from telling Sunghoon all the little things he's grown to love about him, from kissing his lips just like he wants to.

And besides that, Sunoo wouldn't dream of dropping this whole situation on Sunghoon a day before his presentation. He knows how the other can stress about his work, and the feelings Sunoo has for him aren't a small thing to handle, once he confesses, there will be consequences, and he rather have a much calmer Sunghoon to deal with them than to overwhelm him before such an important day.

After a semi awkward moment, when their eyes met in the morning and lingered there for a minute too long, they both got up and asked for breakfast from room service. Sunoo munched on a slice of toast while he watched Sunghoon practice his speech with a piece of paper on his hand and focused eyes. But after a while Sunoo just stole the paper and asked Sunghoon to do the speech for him. The pink color that adorned his cheeks was adorable.

"You're going to be amazing," Sunoo had said, while he finished the last of his orange juice. "I just know it! And stop practicing the speech, it's impeccable, you're ready!"

"Thanks Sun." Sunghoon had replied, a bashful smile on his face. "Are you sure it's okay that I head out earlier?"

Sunoo had nodded and promised to join him after. Of course he understood that the organization of the event was restricted. And that's how he ended up here, taking a stroll around the city until it's time for the showcase to start.

He's turning a corner when he sees a small establishment offering "the best croissants" in town and decides to enter. The place is homey and smells so good that even if he wasn't hungry, he'd want to eat there. There's a small lady on the counter, hair pushed up on a bun and a welcoming smile on her face. The day seems slow and Sunoo ends up having a full discussion about croissants with her, sitting on the table near the counter and learning the family story behind the shop. How her great grandmother had the idea of twisting the croissant recipe, and how the business might be small but has been standing tall for years. Sunoo is endeared by the story, always loving to learn things about other people, the charming details of their lives. It makes him think, how everyone is different, how every life is unique and everyone has to find their own way of living it.

He takes a croissant to go and walks up the street until he sees a park. It's sunny outside, with a breeze that helps even the temperature, and Sunoo takes a second to breathe deeply, the fresh smell of flowers around him, walking leisurely until he spots a group of elderly people playing chess on some marble benches. He smiles, endeared by the sight, and decides to approach them.

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