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Sunghoon is making a list of things to bring and he almost writes Sunoo's name down. He shakes his head at the thought but can't help the fond smile that stretches on his lips.

He woke up with Sunoo breathing right into the side of his face and not only he didn't want to turn away, but he wanted to lean closer. And this is something he doesn't really know how to do. He doesn't really know how to get this close to someone else, but he doesn't want to stop either. So, he's been going on instinct, not wanting to pull away even for a centimetre.

He's scared. The intimacy they've been developing is uncharted territory for him, but something tells him that this is it. This is who he's meant to fall for. Maybe.

"Do you have everything?" Jay comes into his room without even knocking and Sunghoon wonders when did he start becoming so loose about his privacy. He can't find it in himself to care though. Jay and Ni-ki have become part of his daily life, sometimes just showing up to see if everything is ok, and even though Sunghoon was a bit bothered by it in the beginning, he's not anymore.

He's beginning to feel welcomed here, like maybe he's also part of the group, and not a misplaced character. Maybe he's not just a poor substitute for Jungwon, occupying his room, latching onto his friends. He's starting to believe that, maybe, he's their friend too. And he doesn't know if this is the effect Sunoo has on him, making him more open to feeling cared for, but he decides to cherish the attention and concern he's given. It's nice.

"Almost everything" Sunghoon looks at the list, seeing how almost all the items are checked.

He stands up to go pick some hoodies since the weather has been getting chilly lately. Jay lays down on his bed and opens his arms. The sight doesn't make Sunghoon want to tell him to get up, and he feels like that's a step forward on their friendship.

"Good!" Jay says as he claps his hands. "We will miss you"

Sunghoon laughs "Right!"

Jay sits up then "Okay, we won't like... super miss you, but we will know you're not here?" he says, even if it sounds more like a question, his eyes crinkling with amusement.

"I'll take that" Sunghoon says as he picks up two hoodies, one black and one grey, putting them in the suitcase.

"Sunoo will miss you though" Jay says as if he's lost in his own thoughts, but it pulls some strings on Sunghoon's heart, the idea that he's not going to be the only one. Jay continues, with a vague tone "Because you're still in that phase you know, so it's different"

Sunghoon is honestly confused now. "What do you mean?" He sits on the floor next to his travel bag, legs crossed as he looks up at Jay on his own bed.

"Humm" Jay stares at Sunghoon with a thoughtful look. "Maybe nothing, honestly not sure"

"Okay, you're losing me" Sunghoon says, and he does feel confused "If you're trying to say something subtly please don't.. just be straightforward, I'm not that good with vague hints"

"Clearly" Jay laughs and Sunghoon frowns. He doesn't feel like being teased.

"You're one to talk" Sunghoon says back quickly. "You were incredibly oblivious to Jungwon's affections for ages"

That seems to be incredibly effective on Jay, who quickly stops chuckling. "I can't wait for you to go away now" he says with a mocking frown and Sunghoon laughs.

"Let me know if you need any help" Jay adds then, smiling at him before turning to leave the bedroom. Sunghoon nods once, shifting his attention to his list again, but he wonders if there's something going over his head. If maybe Jay just hinted at his and Sunoo's relationship, at his feelings probably being mutual.

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