The First Meet

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YN'S POV (writing in her diary)
Dear Diary it's June 2nd 2023, two weeks before my 26th birthday. Nothing happened in the way I wanted, I broke my promise that I made Yelena. I told her I would get better, or at least try. But I didn't, and I don't think I will ever get better.
Morning arises, I start to pack before heading down to check out of the Prince Park Hotel, in Russia where I stayed for a few months for a mission I was set up on with Bucky.
Bucky enters my room-
"Ready to go?" he asked. I looked up to see him standing there with a concerned look on his face.
"What?" I replied to him. "YN can you even recall what happened last night?"
I begin to become on edge.
"what happened last night..did i relapse?
"Did I let loose again and murder everyone in my path" I said to myself.
I pause for a short moment in time.
"YN" Bucky exclaimed
"No..all I remember is that we-", you pause and realise.
" we couldn't have"
I look to see Bucky walking closer and closer towards me. I look down at the floor again.
"Bucky we couldn't have I'm married" I walked back and sat on the edge of the bed.
"oh but YN we did..married or not we did"
"No no no I refuse to believe it...Buck if she ever finds out-"
I begin pacing up and down the hotel room with my hands on my head refusing to believe a word Bucky was saying, my breathing getting heavier by the second..feeling dizzy and physically sick to my stomach. "How could I be so stupid" I asked myself. "How could I let this happen, how could I betray Wanda" I kept repeating to myself over and over.
Bucky puts his hands on my shoulder. I stopped
"YN let's calm down"
I turn to face him, now just inches away from his face. We locked eyes for a moment until I turned away, he looks at my lips as I look back up at him both or eyes catching again, "but Buck what if it's not" I say, the tension rising between us both. "She will never know, I'll make sure of it doll" he replies softly with the morning tone of his voice.
I sigh softly while still locking eyes with him
"Fuck it" I said as I lay my lips on top of his. Next minute I know things are getting heated, our fingers interlocked, his lips on mine and mine on his.
"wait..Bucky I'm sorry I-I can't, I can't do this" I say while sitting up and putting back on my shirt. " We should uh- we should pretend that this- never happened"
I finish putting back on my clothes and grab everything that I own before walking out of the hotel room to check out.
I arrive back home to be welcomed by my adopted father Tony.
"Ah there she is" he said as he hugged me.
"Well hello to you too Dad"
"How was your trip" he questioned
"Uh say the least" I replied as I pulled away from the hug.
"Listen dad, im kinda tired so im gonna lie down for a little while, I love you"
I enter my room and set my belongings down onto the bed when a saw a note with my name on it written in handwriting that was familiar. I opened the letter which read-
"My dear YN, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I wish I could be there in person to tell you this but instead I'm writing you this letter. I can't do this anymore, all of it, it's getting too much for me, the arguing, throwing glasses at each other, the endless screaming, the sleepless nights sitting up wondering if im getting a call that you're gone. Just know that this wasn't an easy decision to make, it's hurts to love you and I realise that now after 3 years of marriage. I'm sorry YN, I wish you well in the future, I love you-
Yours wife, Wanda"
I read it sitting on the edge of my bed hearing her voice in my head as tears streamed down my face. "So this is it, it's over just like that" I asked myself
I kept thinking where did I go wrong, I sat there at the edge of my bed for hours in end thinking of all the places she could've went. I got up and went downstairs and stormed out. I started running and running until I couldn't feel my feet anymore. I stopped right outside a local bar about 3 miles from the Avengers tower and decided to go in and drink my problems away.
tw kind of!
2 hours later I'm sat at the bar drinking and drinking until I couldn't feel anything. A man in his mid 50's in a business suit approached me,
"Can I buy you a drink?" he asked, I looked up at him and smiled slightly
"Sure" I replied.
"So what's a pretty girl like you doing here drinking on your own" he asked me while handing me my drink
" I don't think that's any of business sir" I said in a frantic tone
"hmm well it is my business because I need to see if I have any competition" he replied while he placed his hand on my thigh. I realise what he is trying to do so I slapped him but he wasn't letting it go, he began pulling me in closer and closer.
"Get the hell off of me" I exclaimed
"Oh come on, a beautiful girl dressed like you, you're looking for it" he replied while trying to kiss me
"I SAID GET THE FUCK OFF ME" I shouted. Then a girl who I'd say is early 20's long dark hair wearing a black suit heard my cry for help. She approached me-
"Hey baby, sorry I'm late" she exclaimed as she put her arm around me. I looked up and saw a glimpse of an angel . I decided to play along-
" Well took you long enough sweetheart didn't it, what do you want to drink" I asked her
The man backed away with a smuggish look on his face.
"I'll take whatever you're drinking" she said.
I smiled and ordered her a drink and put it on my tab.
"Hey, uh thank you for that, I really appreciate it" I replied
"Don't mention it, no one should treat a girl that way" she said.
"I'm Kate- Bishop by the way" she continued
"Oh, I'm YN Stark" I said to her
"As in THE YN STARK, the adopted daughter of Tony Stark, the avenger YN Stark??" She said excitedly
I laughed- "That would be me, in the flesh" I replied
"Wow, you have no idea how much I've wanted to meet another Avenger, especially you" she said with joy
I stared deeply into her eyes as she continued to talk, getting lost in her eyes and admiring her with every word she said. "Wow she really is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on" I said to myself.
"Is this she the one person who makes me feel something again" I continued to say to myself as I kept admiring her.
We continued to talk for hours about the littlest and stupid things until the bar closed.
"Can I walk you home" I asked her
"I'd love that" she replied as I helped her with her coat.
We locked eyes for what felt like hours but only a few seconds.
She smiled as I opened the door for her.
"Hey listen I had a great time tonight, maybe we could do it again sometime" she asked me
I smiled,
"Are you asking me out Bishop?" I questioned her, she became flustered-
"Uh- yea- I'm definitely asking you out" she replied as we approached her apartment.
"Yeah, I'd love to go out with you again..Kate"
Her face lit up as if she was a kid on Christmas.
"Great..I'll uh here, put your number in there and I'll text you" she said
I added my number into her and smiled up at her.
"Do it..kiss her" the voice in my head kept saying.
"I'll see you around Katherine..goodnight" I said
"Goodnight, YN" she replied.

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