The Morning After

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The next morning, I wake up and roll over to hug Katherine. But she was nowhere to been seen.
Last night was amazing to say the least, every thought about Wanda was just...gone. I don't think I can tell Kate, I mean at least not yet. I mean how does one come up with that conversation?. "Oh by the way Kate, I'm married and you're just a rebound". Then again was she just a rebound? Or was it because I never really truly loved Wanda?. I don't it was just...all too confusing, until..
the door is swung open by a beautiful golden retriever, who'd I'd say was about a year old..possibly more I couldn't tell. Kate told me she had a dog but I guess I couldn't see him, that's because Kate and I were too busy..yk ( yeah you get the point).
Kate cuts off my thoughts-
"Jesus Lucky, Sorry YN I was gonna wake you but it looks like someone's already beat me to it" she said while laughing.
I sit up with the biggest smile on my face, still with Kate's shirt on.
"Did you make me breakfast" I say chuckling while looking down at the half stack of badly burnt pancakes and some OJ.
She said beside me on the bed-
"Yes, Yes I did" she says as she steals one of the pancakes on the plate.
She takes a bite of one of the pancakes and scrunches her nose up.
"Yeah no you're not eating these" she said as she lifted the plate from the bed.
"I'm going to take you out for breakfast instead" she continued.
A smirk appeared on my face as I grabbed her arm and pulled onto my lap:
"I mean I could just eat you...again" I say making her eyes grow wide and her lips were agaped.
"Seriously!?? In front of lucky?" She asked
"Hmm well he didn't seem to stop you last night darling" I replied
I could tell she was lost for words just by the look on her face.
" got your tongue Katherine?"
"Mhm" she nodded while smiling. Is this it, have I fallen in love all over again?, I never experienced this with anyone..not even Wanda. Then again that's because our whole relationship was arguing with each other back and forth and telling each other how we despised each other but besides the point, this was different, more than 24 hours ago, my whole world stops spinning when I stare into her eyes, all my thoughts disappear, I feel safe at her touch. My heart rate increases, I start to get nervous when she stares deeply into my eyes. Her voice sends shivers down my spine, giving me a tingling sensation in my stomach. "I'm in love with you Katherine Bishop and you have no idea" I said to myself.
"You know Kate, you're a bad's a good job you're adorable though, it makes up for it" I say seeing her blush staring up at me in my lap.
We stared deeply into each other's eyes, my left hand holding hers, my other hand playing with her hair, just admiring each other's beauty.
"This moment can't be anymore perfect" she whispered
I smiled before I kissed her one more time.
* 3 hours later*
I return back to Yelena's apartment, to find her sat in the middle of the kitchen.
"Are you gonna tell me where you were all night?" she questioned me
I grabbed a drink from the fridge and shrugged-
"I was...out" I replied
"Out where?..the last time you disappeared, you had your ass thrown in jail YN" she said annoyed, like she was holding something back.
I lied to her, even though I hated lying to her
"Look I was just at a friend's house, Wanda and I just..had another fight that's all"
I sat down across from her as she looked at me, clearly lying.
"Hmm and does this friend happen to be Kate Bishop YN?" She says smirking making my head shout up at my sister...
"How..Did you follow me again?" I say standing up.
"I'm sorry YN but, I couldn't let you go all crazy like last time, just because you and your wife had stupid fight" she replied
I sigh and roll my eyes in anger.
"No YN what's unbelievable is the way you throw temper tantrums just because you can't get you're own way, you're 25 years of age"
I turn around and look at her with an aggressive look on my face.
"Ha yeah well you're the one to talk yelena, you have no idea what I'm going through right now, so please for the love of god..just leave me alone!" I say as a sigh of relief came off my chest.
She looked at me with disappointment in her eyes:
"She left you didn't she?"she say shakily.
"Wha-what?" I say looking at her with nothing but rage.
"Wanda..she's gone, isn't she?"
"Quite frankly Yelena, I don't think it's really any of business" I say while walking to the door. I storm out slamming the door behind me. I stand outside her door realising I forgot my keys, I sigh before opening the door again.
"I forgot my keys" I say while staring at her and pointing to them.
"YN- talk to me-"
I walk out before she got the chance to finish her sentence. I never usually have these kinds of arguments with Yelena, they just..end up with us laughing at each other, Natasha on the other hand, the arguments with her will make you cry for days, then ends up with me not talking to her for months. I've always been closer with Yelena, I think that's because we automatically clicked with each other while in the red room, whereas Natasha, when we have to fight each's like she wanted to fight me, it's like...there was this rage within her. Don't get me wrong I love Natasha, her and Yelena took me in when I had no one...showed me what it was like to have siblings. But if I got hurt on a mission, Yelena was always the one to patch me up, however Natasha would tell me to "suck it up". If Wanda and I had a fight, Natasha would just..walk away, not wanting to hear about it, whereas Yelena, she would just....listen, to everything I had to say, she wouldn't judge the things I said...I would cry on her shoulder for hours until I fell asleep. She'd always stay up all night watching over me incase I woke up with another one of my nightmares again.
I finally reach Kate's apartment, I go to knock her door but for some weird reason I froze.
"Fuck, this is stupid..come on YN you can't keep running to her when things go wrong"
"God why are you so stupid, just go home..don't be so stupid, stop running your her every time you have an argument or when things gets bad" the voice in my head kept repeating over and over again.
Until she opened the door . And there she was, still as beautiful as I remember her.
"Jesus YN, you scared the hell out of me" she said.
I stood still, saying nothing.
"YN is everything okay?" she asked. I tried to find the words about what happened with Yelena, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. My breathing became faster and faster with every second, but weirdly it wasn't a panic attack. I stared into her eyes.
"YN??, what's wrong" she continued.
That's when I grabbed her and kissed her so passionately with one hand on Kate's lower back and one reaching out to shut the door behind me, It was like we hadn't seen each other in years. A few minutes go by and I pull away for a breath-
"What's gotten into you YN" Kate says breathless. I take off my jacket to reveal a white business shirt.
"I don't want to talk about it...right now all I want is you" I replied while pushing her down onto the couch. Once again we began to make out, we didn't rush this time, but you could tell we were craving each other.
"Bedroom?!" Kate asked in a whisper, my guess she was suppressing a moan.
"Mhm.." I nod before picking her up to head upstairs until her apartment door flew open.
"Katherine Elizabeth Bishop, care to explain why you weren't-" Eleanor pauses mid sentence. I slowly put Kate down as I say in an awkward tone, "Mrs Bishop, so lovely to finally meet you." Kate and I look at one another trying to hold in our laughs. She looks down to see that my shirt is half undone and nudges me to button it up.
"Mom, what-what are you doing here"
"I was coming to ask you, why the hell you aren't at the fundraiser..but now I can see why..wait..KATE YOU'RE GAY?!" she asked in a shocked and confused tone.
"For me she is" I whisper underneath my breath, but Kate hears it and playfully punches me.
"haha, I uh- I don't know what I am mom..but can you like..get out, I'll be at the fundraiser soon..I promise" she says as she gently pushes her mom out the door. She closes the door behind her and sighs, I look at her a burst into laughter.
"Oh my god, YN I am so sorry, that was embarrassing" Kate says after the laughter dies down a little. She walks over to me and wraps her arms around my neck and with my hands on her waist.
"So..should we finish what we started" I reply to her in a flirty tone.
"You much as I'd love mother would walk in again if I don't show up at this fundraiser thing" she replies much to my disappointment.
"Why don't you come with me?" She continues. I never really liked fundraisers, I always found them..I don't boring. Although every fundraiser I've been to usually ended in chaos.
"What?" I asked her
"Come with me"
"Kate I uh- I....the last time I was at a fundraiser..listen bad things happen when I go to those kinds of things"
The last time I was a fundraiser everything went to hell, police raided the place, guns blazing high looking for me. I cooperated with them of course, but Yelena seen the commotion and tried to fight with them...until they shot her. She recovered of course but my mind just seems to replay that moment over and over again every time I go to a party, a fundraiser, anything.
"YN listen to me, nothing bad is going to happen, I'll be sure not to let it. If anyone hurts you, or even looks at you in the wrong way they'll have to deal with me" she said
"No, no Katherine you- you don't understand, the things I've done, I-I can't put you through that" I say with with tears in my eyes and pull away and say down on her couch.
"I can't, I- I won't let that happen to you Kate" as I continue to say in panic. She follows me and kneels in front of me
"Hey woah, woah YN, listen to me, everything will be okay, just hold my hand the entire're safe. Okay?! I won't let anything happen to you. I promise" she said while cupping my cheeks in her hands.
"What..proposing already Bishop?!" I reply as I try to make light of the situation. She smiles. God that smile, that beautiful smile. Kate's smile is one of those smiles that even on the shittiest days, it instantly warms my heart. It's that one smile that could brighten up my whole world.
"So what if I was, you'd make a pretty good wife" she replied, making me go silent as I thought of Wanda.
"YN what is it?! talk to me".
I look up at her and wipe the tears from my eyes-
"Nothing" I smile slightly.
"Nothing princess, I'm fine"
She looks up at me with tears in her eyes, like she felt wanted, she looked at me with so much passion and joy in her eyes, but even Wanda looked at me like that.
"So..what'd you say, care to meet my mother..maybe in a less awkward situation?" She asked
"For you, anything" I replied as I stood up and pulled her up with me. I've moved closer to her and whispered in her ear-
"But we're finishing what we started later princess"

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