Catching feelings, with a kiss

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Kate's POV:
"Wow, I mean just Wow, she really was the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. She was dressed like a rich housewife, I mean she's Tony Stark's adopted daughter so but besides the point, she had bleach blonde hair, silky green eyes, 5"7, she wore this beautiful black Versace dress, which reminded me of the song Back to Black by Amy Winehouse" I said to Pizza dog.
Suddenly there was a knock on my apartment door, I open it.. and there she was but, she appeared to be crying..heavily. Her makeup was running down her face, her clothes were wet, she looked...exhausted.
"I'm sorry..i uh- i had no where else to go.." she said breathless
I replied:
"No no, here come in"
I closed the door behind her and grabbed her a blanket that was across my couch and wrapped it around her.
She turned around and wrapped her arms around me and continued to cry. I held her making sure not to let go.
"Shhh it's okay, I got you, I got you" I reassured her.
I couldn't help but think who or what made her feel this way..was the guy from the bar?, did someone close to her leave?, did something happen between her and Tony?.
I couldn't stop thinking about the endless possibilities of what could've happened to her.
Of course I didn't want to say anything in case I was completely wrong. I was still holding her for what felt like hours, but there was something different, I've never felt that way during a hug before. Everything that I felt before just disappeared, everything I had went through..just gone..just like that.
She finally sat up, even with teary eyes, a runny nose, her makeup still running and wet hair she was still the most beautiful woman.
I noticed an eyelash on her cheek, I looked at her and wiped her eyelash from her cheek, she smiled..just a little then she looked down again.
"I'm sorry I don't usually cry like a little kid", she whispered softly.
3am, I get back to the compound after walking Katherine home, it still stings that Wanda decided to just pack up and leave me with nothing but a note, but now I have to sit around and pretend like nothing ever happened and tell everyone that she left for a mission for a couple months.
I slump myself onto my bed, slowly drifting off until I hear a knock on my door.
"I'm sleeping" I shouted
"It's me, can we talk" a familiar voice answered from outside my door.
I sigh and get up and open my door to see Bucky standing there
I turn away, "What do you want" I said
He sat beside me on the edge of the bed-
"We need to talk about what happened back in Russia" he replied
I looked at him and stood up
"There's nothing to talk about" I said in an angry tone
He sighed and looked down then looked back up at me
"Is this about Wanda?" He asked me
I turn around and let loose
He didn't flinch, move or anything, he didn't show any emotion towards me whatsoever until he did.
"This is the reason why she left you, you sleep around with your partners on every mission"
I stared at him with nothing but hatred, the man who was once this sweet handsome, caring man had now turned into a dick because I wouldn't sleep with him again.
I slapped him-
"Is this because I wouldn't fuck you one last time?, let me tell you James, fucking you was one of the worst decisions I have ever made and quite frankly, you're shit in bed"
He scoffs -
"I think you're forgetting that you're the one who came onto me YN"
All I felt was anger, anger I've never felt before, like I wanted to kill him right there in that moment, but I couldn't as much as I wanted to I just couldn't, I don't know if the anger came from Wanda leaving or if it was Bucky.
I pushed him back
"Fuck you..fuck you barnes, I was drunk, you came onto me" I said angrily while still pushing him back
"I call bullshit that I came onto you...what!! did-did you roofie me so I would fuck you?!!! Is that what is it?..aww poor Bucky Barnes can't get laid so he fucks married women instead!!!"
He stood up and started walking towards me
"Yeah well at least I wanted to sleep with you unlike your wife..I don't blame her for walking out on you" he replied-
That was it, then when I knew he had took it way too far, I could never look at him the same way I had done before. It had felt like he became a stranger to me in that moment. Any blood I had in my body went cold, my legs became weak, every bone in my body went numb, I couldn't breathe, but I wasn't going to let that stop me from showing him I'm afraid. I couldn't I couldn't show him that I was intimidated by him, I wasn't that kind of person, I was taught to be stronger. All I felt was rage, I wanted to let go, kill him right there and then but I remembered Natasha and Yelena said to me "pain only makes us stronger" and boy..were they right.
I looked at Bucky and turned around and walked out..I had done what I usually done. I ran. I ran for what must've felt like hours. It was raining outside, I stopped with my hands on my knees breathing heavily trying to catch a breathe until it turned into tears, I dropped to my knees in the middle of the street, people staring but that didn't stop me, I didn't care what others thought..all I wanted was her, wife.
I got up and carried on running until I ended up outside of Kate's apartment, I stopped.
"I can't just turn up at her door without calling her first!" I thought to myself.
But instead I decided to trust my gut. I walked up to her door and knocked.
She answered straight away. The first thing I noticed was the look on her face, she didn't care how I looked...all she cared about was if I was okay.
"I'm sorry...I- uh I didn't know where else to go" I told her with tears in my eyes and breathless.
"No don't apologise, come in" she whispered
She welcomed me into her apartment and she had wrapped a blanket around me. I hugged her and in that moment of time..I felt like I belonged there. I've known her less than 24 hours and I already feel safe in her arms.
I cried in her arms with her comforting me-
"It's okay, I got you...I'm right here" she said
I looked up at her, looked at her eyes, her lips and back up to her eyes.
"Now's your moment" the voice in my head responded.
She had noticed an eyelash on my cheek, and rested her thumb on my cheek to wipe away the eyelash..but then she wiped away the tears from my eyes, her face inches away from mine, while still in her arms.
"You okay?" she whispered softly.
In that moment, I felt my whole world stop spinning, I felt safe in her arms, safer than I've ever felt before. All my worries had gone, just like that. And all my pain about Wanda, everything that I had felt before was just...gone. Her voice was like a real life angel calling to me, and her eyes...boy I could just stare into them everyday.
"I'm sorry..I don't usually cry like a kid" I replied to her question.
She stared deeply into my eyes-
"No don't have to apologise, it's okay to cry."
I wiped my tears from my face.
"But I got all my tears on your hoodie" I said
"Who cares, it's just a drop of water..I'd rather you cry on my shoulder than something bad happen to you" she replied.
"Really?..but you just met me less than 24 hours ago.." I asked her.
"And I'm already in love with you YN"
she whispered under breathe, but still loud enough for me to hear.
I looked up at her with tears still in my eyes, but not sad no these were happy tears, like my heart should've been connected to hers along time ago..not even Wanda could make me feel this way. It's like a warmth in my stomach that only she could create. Next thing I know her lips are on mine. They were soft yet it felt like they were destined to touch mine. It felt right.
I kissed her back, my body now on her lap straddling her. Her kisses getting more intense by the second. I kiss her neck hearing small gasps escaping from her mouth, I could tell she wanted more. I pull my body closer to her, next minute I know she flipped me over onto the couch, her body now straddling mine, kissing me even more passionately even more than before.
"I must say Katherine, I'm not used to being a bottom" I said as we both took a breathe for air. She smirked-
"Hmm well you may get used to it YN" she replied in a breathless tone before she planted her lips onto mine going in for another hot make out. Both our hands gliding up each other, craving each others touch.
"So- have you..why don't we move this to your bedroom Katherine?"
I asked as she kissed down my neck trying not let out a moan.
She hums, shooting butterflies up my stomach. She stands up, pulling me up with her as she doesn't break this kisses we have. Getting upstairs was eventful, we crashed into almost every wall to stop and make out even more, barely stopping to breathe. Every time it was me pinned.
Not for long I thought as we made out. I felt a tug on the bottom of my shirt, I look down to see both of Kate's hands on my shirt.
"Yes Katherine" I say, which makes her tear my shirt off of my body, before I do the same to her, both of us tossing our shirts somewhere in her apartment impatiently going in for another kiss.
We get to what I presume is Kate's bedroom, as we barge in through her bedroom door, there was a queen sized bed.
But instead of Kate throwing me onto her bed, I flipped us around and threw her onto the bed, slowly climbing up her body and pinning her to the bed with her hands above her head.
"So tell me....who's the bottom now beautiful?" I said breathless
She smiled, and pulled me in for another make out session.

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