Chapter Four

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So it seems that the majority of people want me to put Finn with Renata and I'm honestly down with that (:

Also, the idea I mentioned in that poll is happening and her name is Auzla and she's introduced in this chapter as well as the reveal of who her love interest is going to be.


As promised 45 minutes later Shawn and Ellie met Leah outside the diner they agreed to meet at and grab food. But the moment that Shawn saw Leah he froze making Ellie give him a confused look, as he looked at the woman almost in awe.

Leah looked confused as well, Ellie being right next to him heard him whisper, "holy shit, she's my mate."

Ellie smiled and pulled him closer to her friend, "Hey Le." She dropped Shawn's arm then.

Leah smiled at Ellie, "Hey El." the two girls hugged.

"Oh, it's so good to see you again Le... it's been too long."

"Back at you El... so who is your friend?"

Ellie grinned, "This is Shawn" She looked at him "Shawn meet Leah."

The man snapped out of his daze at realizing who she was to him, "Hello." he gave her a charming smile that may or may not have made her blush a little.

"Hi." the three walked inside the diner and took a seat in a booth.

Ellie and Leah caught up while they ate and Shawn and Leah got to know each other better. Ellie just smiled to herself at the two of them even if Leah was unaware of who she was to Shawn yet but in time he'd reveal it since she was his mate, which was the exception to humans knowing about the vampire world, though eventually, they would have to be turned.

After they finished eating the three agreed to go shopping in Port Angeles they ended up spending all afternoon just walking around the city and shopping, by the time Ellie and Shawn dropped Leah off that night, she realized that was the most fun she'd had in a long time, Shawn and Leah even traded numbers so they could stay in contact which made the male happy since she was his mate after all.

The two friends ended back up at Ellie's house and were in her room, just talking about what had happened that day. Shawn was over the moon because he was starting to think that he would never meet his mate as he had been looking for them for so long.

Ellie was happy for him and knew that he and Leah would be good for each other. The male had spent the rest of the night gushing to his best friend about his mate (which Ellie found adorable), eventually, the two fell asleep.

It had been two days since Shawn and Ellie met up with Leah and Shawn had decided to stick around town and get to know his mate more which both parties were happy about.

Ellie was up in her room going over some spells that she wanted to learn, when her phone rang, she smiled seeing it was her uncle Kol, "Uncle Kol hi."

"Ana, how are you?"

"Good just going over some spells, what are you guys up to?"

Kol smiled, "Well Dora and I are getting ready to head out to come to see you."

Ellie squealed at that "Oh my god... finally I get to meet her in person, and see you again of course Uncle Kol."

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