Chapter 23

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                                    Conrad POV

The summer seems to flew by so fast, through it might have seen that way because Belly and I had to leave early for work.

Garrett's first word was infinity, but his second was 'mama' and his third word was 'dada'.

Which made both me and Belly's heart beat with happiness and because that was so cute.

As soon as the summer was over, Garrett started daycare, which was hard for both me and Belly, but as soon as we heard that he is doing well and is assisting really well and is making a lot of friends.

But was also happen when we left for work, Taylor left and left Elle with Steven because according to Steven, 'she has worked to do'.

And yes, he used air quotes, because he knew that the real reason was that she left because she doesn't want to be alone with Steven, even though they is a lot of people there.

He still needs to make it up to her, and I don't blame her.

Hell I can't believe that Belly gave me another chance, but I'm glad she did.

I find it hot when she said on the night that we got back together that things need to be different this time. I agreed because that kept coming into my mind.

But time really does fly back fast or that me and Belly are busy working and spending time together as a family. Because one minute it was at the end of August, then at the end of November.

It's December now.. okay yeah definitely because me and Belly have been working hard, and busy spending time as a family.

Because we had everyone that spend the summer with us was over at Thanksgiving.

Since Belly is at home today, she's probably exhausted. I decided to get Garrett as soon as I got off work.

And yes this will be all of our last day because next week is Christmas break.

As my son was telling me, that I didn't really understand because he still a baby, I couldn't help but smile as I buckled him up.

I heard the sound that I haven't heard since me and Belly got back together.

My father, oh goodie.

And yes that was sarcasm you hear.

As soon as I saw him, I instantly closed the door and stood in front of the door. If he even tries to get close to my son.

"Conrad, it's good to see you." My father said, "this are your brothers Emmett, Henrick and Crew."

I glanced to the two babies in the baby carrier. My little brothers. I had an inward smile.

I looked back up at him with an icy look. I then asked coldly. "What do you want?"

"Well not a hello to your father? Not even to your brothers? You're not even going to ask about my wife?" My s****head father asked.

"Oh I already know how you're doing thanks to Laurel. I know that your wife meet a the young woman that you had an affair with and then find that she is a lesbian, left and divorced your ass when she find out what you did, give up her rights to the kids, and ran off with her and I also know that Jere is going to adopt our brothers because they is obviously a sigh of neglect." I smiled as I watched him faded. "Belly is fine, we got married last June before her birthday, we had a child."

He opened his mouth to say something. "And no, your not going to see me, Belly or our child or any other children we decided to have until we'll ready, Jere told that he told you the something. And that he will be taking our brothers away from you and any other children you had with other women. And that they will know who we are to them. It will be they choose if they want to get to know you when they older."

When I got done talking, I locked the door to where my son is, so he wouldn't get him if he tried. And went over to the driver seat, I opened the door and closed it and locked it.

"When did you become like a brat." My father asked me. "It is that girl that turned both of you against m—"

" 'That girl' didn't turn me or Jere against you, you did that to yourself, oh 'that girl' is also my wife and the mother of my child, the first of many." I said, then I drives off.

Me, Belly and our son need to get the hell out of here for Christmas break. So that I can avoid beating the s*** out of my dad if he talked to my wife or about her like that.

Belly POV

When Conrad first told me that he wanted to have his first Christmas at the Summer House, I will admit that I was excited but also a little suspicious because even though last year when I was pregnant, we went there but after Christmas, and again when we dated the first time, but again it was after Christmas, when all the lights and Christmas tree were out.

But then he told me that he bumped into his father, and what he said, I understood because I don't want that negativity around my son and my husband.

Conrad packed the presents that we bought for each other and Garrett and everything we need, while put our son in his car seat.

When we were done, Conrad locked up the house and we drove off.

On the way there we both took turns to check on our son, and we held hands.

When we got there, we left the presents in the car, when Garrett took a nap. We decided to set everything up for Christmas.

Conrad went to the store to get some food, as I set the Christmas tree up and made the bed to our room. And the Christmas stuff.

When Conrad came back, all three ourselves our first Christmas in Cousins.

The summer we got back together حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن