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At home...

In night

Jk has came home... Tae is taking good care of him... Right now tae is in the kitchen... He and suga is making some porridge for jk.... And jk is changing his clothes..well he is trying to...

Jk :  *shouting for tae* TAE!!!! COME HERE PLEASE..

Hearing jk's voice suga and tae looked at each others... They're eyes were telling " what happened to jk!!!! " So they both run upstairs....

Tae: * entering the room* hyung!! What happened!!

Suga : yeah... Are you hurt Jungkook?

Jk : Relax guys!!! I'm fine... Its just... I needed some help...from tae cause I can't wear my t shirt... Because of my arm ( jk got shoot in his right arm )  that's why....

Suga: * sigh in relief* oh..... Ok fine I'm going to the kitchen....

Suga went from there....

Tae: * smiling* come let me help you....

Jk : * bunny smile*

Tae helped jk to wore the t shirt....

Tae: Done!!!

Jk : Thank you world.....

Tae : you're most welcome.... * Kissing Jungkooks cheek *

Jk : * blushing*

Suga : * entering the room with a tray* Dinner is ready!!!!

Jk : thank you hyung....

Suga: Don't thank me man .... It's my duty to take care of my brother...

Jk : * smiling*

Given a smile to Jungkook he went from there

Tae: Let me feed you ..

Jk : *widened eyes* You will!!!

Tae: yup!!!

tae started to feeding jk the porridge

Jk : damn... If you feed me like this...  Then I can get sick everyday!!!

Tae: * laughing*

Tae was done feeding jk. He took a glass of water and jk's medicines in his hand...

Tae: * giving jk the glass* Now be a good boy and take those medicine's

Jk : MEDICINE'S!!!!! NO !!! PLEASE!!!  They taste so bad.....* Sulking*

Tae: * cute scolding* Stop sulking!!!! And take those medicine's... I know you don't like them...But it's important for your health ...

Jk : No !!! I don't want to..... Look I'm fine * walking like a milltery man to show tae that he is fine*

Tae:  * done* are you taking those or should I call yoongi hyung... Im sure He will forcefully give you those...

Jk : * wide eyes* No ,yoongi hyung!!! please!! I'm taking those...

Tae: * happy* Good boy!!

It's been 6 days that

Jk is better now...

In the night.

Tae's pov.

Jk hyung is downstairs Play video games with hobi hyung...   Yoongi hyung and felix hyung is cheering them up... They are really enjoying... Im in the room  upstairs cause Im a little tired and sleepy too..Kook hyung told me that he is coming in a minute... as he knows that I can't sleep alone... * Smiling* I like his this caring side...*blushing* I just came from the washroom after getting freshen up... Now I'm ready to go to bed.... But before going to bed I went to checked my phone to see if someone called me or not... As I didn't touch the phone for past 3 days and my phone was in silent too ... As soon as I opened the phone my mouth hanged open.... 98 freaking messages...  My heart clenching in a unknown fear... I seen the messages and started to read it from the top .

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