mutt au part two

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for @user843104 @HP1Dashikaweirdo @hmakkuri. this is for you guys

The anticipation was killing him. 

First, he didn't remember anything. Now, he was a decorated Praetor at Camp Juniper, a Greek war hero from New York City, and supposably had a whole life on the other side of the United States that he didn't remember anything about. 

Until he did. 

The Greeks had been at camp for a few days, and so far, Percy had been scrambling trying to pick up the pieces of his last life. A girl- who he found to be gorgeous- said she was his girlfriend. Said that they grew up together. Said that they went on quests together, fought monsters and won wars together. She was smart, funny, and so kind. She had more grace towards him in a way that he didn't even know was possible. 

But when he first saw her, he didn't know who she was. 

"Percy!" the girl cried as she ran towards him, running straight through the crowd. Percy didn't recognize her, but he instantly felt his heart flutter what she said his name. 

She was beautiful, and her eyes shone with so much gladness as she ran towards him. She practically jumped in his arms, quietly sobbing there as she looked up at him, tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, who are you?" 

The girl stepped back, recoiled, a painful look painted on her face. "Percy? You- you don't remember me?" she murmured, hugging herself. "But-but I'm Annabeth. Your best friend. Your girlfriend. We- we've been dating for months. We've known each other since we were twelve!" 

Percy shook his head, hurting by the shock and the guilt of not knowing this girl in front of him. Another girl, who introduced herself as Piper later on, hugged the girl and comforted her as she cried silently. All Percy wanted to do was hug her and tell her it was alright. All he wanted was to remember her, remember their friendship, remember the girl who said she knew him. 

But then he did remember her. 

He didn't know how it happened. But after talking to Annabeth, hearing some stories about them growing up. Going on quests; whether it was when they went to the Underworld to save his mom, when they went to the Sea of Monsters, the Labyrinth, saving the world. He loved the way she would describe them. 

She told him about when they first got together, on the dock at Camp Half-blood not even a year ago. She talked about their conversation, about how she was 'laughing' at him. About how she brought him a blue cupcake. 

Percy thought it was perfect. But he didn't remember it. 

Until he did. 

He remembered. He remembered Annabeth. Like it was just yesterday that she was in his arms at Camp Half-blood the night before he disappeared. When he kissed her. When he told her loved her for the first time. How he felt when he was with her. 

He remembered her. 

It was early morning, right before the Greeks were about to leave. And it was almost too late. Annabeth told him the night before that he could come with them, but Reyna instantly shot it down, telling him to stay behind since he didn't remember being with them. But now, Percy wasn't going to let Annabeth out of his sight. 

Racing down to the dock, he saw Annabeth picking up her backpack, about to climb up the ladder into the ship Leo Valdez made (the two of them bonded a lot of the time that they had been at Camp Juniper). "Annabeth! Annabeth wait!" He shouted. 

Annabeth turned around, giving him a small smile as she walked over to him. "Hey. Is something wrong?" She asked, looking concerned. She seemed guarded, sad, and it was right then that he realized that Annabeth never actually said goodbye to him that morning. 

"I remember." He said, out of breath as he tried to continue his excitement. "I love you." He muttered as he grabbed both of her hands looking down at them and back up at her. "So much." 

Annabeth smiled, her eyes filling up with tears as she practically jumped into his arms. Percy couldn't help but hold her close, feeling his own eyes welling up and he picked her up, spinning her around in a circle. As he placed her back on the ground, he heard her whisper, "Seaweed Brain." And he kissed her. 

An asteroid could've hit them right there, and neither of them would have cared. 

"Annabeth, I- I thought I'd never be able to-" And that was when he found himself smack on the ground, with her knee to his neck. 

"If you ever leave me again, I'll-" 

Percy couldn't help but laugh. She looked too cute when she was serious. "Consider me warned. I missed you too." Annabeth rolled her eyes, getting up and offering her hand to pull him up. Annabeth wrapped her arms around him, closing her eyes and smiling. 

"I love you too." 

And all that is right with the world. 

andddddd there you go. short but sweet 

How do you feel about the new PJO series? Because honestly, I love it.

"If God is for us, who can be against us?" -Romans 8:31 


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