i love you too, mom

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after BoO 

"I don't think I can do this." Percy said, his voice wavering as he looked up at the apartment building he once called home. "What if she hates me?" 

"She's your mother, Percy. She'd never hate you." Annabeth soothed, hoping to bring him some sort of comfort as they slowly began to walk through the double doors. The doorman gave them both a suspicious look as the two made their way to the elevator, going up to Percy's floor in silence. Annabeth glanced over at him, seeing him looking around nervous, rubbing the back of his neck and rocking on the balls of his feet. "Hey, it's going to be okay." 

Annabeth reached over for his hand, giving it a squeeze. Percy smiled at her, nodding as the two stepped out of the elevator and to the door engraved 33'. (A/N I have no idea what their apartment number is). 

The two stood there for a few moments, before Percy rose an anxious hand up to the door, knocking slightly. Annabeth smiled up at Percy, hoping to be some sort of comfort to him as they waited for an answer. It wasn't that Percy didn't want to come home, he just felt so extremely guilty for being gone for so long. 

He felt awful for disappearing without a trance. And though it wasn't his fault, Annabeth knew the guilt was eating him up. All his mother knew was that she and several others were going to Camp Juniper to find him, and even though Annabeth tried her hardest to keep in contact with Sally over the past two months, that was easier said than done. 

And so now, as the two of them were waiting for an answer, Annabeth couldn't help but feel a little guilty too. Her and Sally bonded a lot while Percy was missing. She would come into the city at least once or twice a week, keeping Sally updated on what they found and how the search was going. The last time she was at the apartment was with Leo when she told Sally she and the others were leaving. 

It felt like an entire lifetime since then. 

Behind the door, muffled talking meant that someone was at least home, making Percy freeze as he watched the door open with a screech. "I'm sorry, we're not taking any girl scout cookies-" in the doorway, Paul, who was wearing his glasses and seemed to be tense, stood in silence, overcome by shock. Annabeth gave him a sheepish smile, Percy raising his voice and saying, "Hey Paul." 

"Paul! What is it? Did those girls come back agai-" On the other side of the apartment, near the kitchen, Sally stood, looking over to the door. Instantly, she gasped, her hands covering her mouth as she slowly walked towards the door. "Percy?" She whimpered, her eyes filling up with tears. 

Percy stepped through the door, Paul moving subconsciously out of his way, still in shock. He looked towards Annabeth, who smiled and nodded, making the older man smile. "Mom." he whispered, smiling. Sally laughed wetly, racing to her son and wrapping her arms tightly around him. "Mom. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-" 

"Sh. Honey, it's- it's okay." Sally cried, holding him close, tears slowly falling from her eyes. Percy started to cry too, hugging his mom as if she were to disappear too, and the two slowly went to the ground, holding onto each other. 

Annabeth smiled, feeling just a little emotional at the sight as well. Paul smiled, leaning towards her and saying, "You have no idea how much this means to her." That did it for her. 

Percy and Sally pulled away, both laughing as Sally wiped her tears and held his face in her hands. "I love you." She whispered, though the passion could not be denied. 

"I love you too, mom." 

The two stood up, Sally flattening her clothes as she turned to Annabeth, opening her arms to the younger girl. Annabeth felt her eyes watering as she practically jumped into Sally's arms, holding onto her as if she was her own mother- and in a way, Sally was and would always be. The two spent lots of their time talking about Percy, but never once did Sally ever not ask about how Annabeth was doing. 

Annabeth didn't really talk to many people about how she was feeling throughout the time that Percy was gone. It even took Annabeth a long time before she could really open up to Sally. But once she did, she felt the heavy weights leaving her almost instantly. In Annabeth's mind, Sally was her mother. More of a mother than anyone else ever was. 

"Thank you." Sally whispered in her ear, hugging her as if she was her own daughter. "Thank you so much." Annabeth couldn't speak, but she nodded, pulling away from Sally and sheepishly wiping her own tears. Annabeth gave her a motherly kiss on the forehead, whispering reassurance over her as Percy hugged his stepfather, who couldn't help feeling just a tab bit emotional as well. 

Percy was home. And that was all that mattered to each and every one of them. 

part two? 

hope you enjoyed! And as always, let me know if you need any encouragement, prayer requests, or just some support! 

"One person gives freely, yet gains even ore; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty." -Proverbs 11:24 


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