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Name: Y/n L/n

Race: Saiyan

Age: 17

Semblance: Ki Control



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Eternal Reach

Weapon Capabilities:

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Weapon Capabilities:

Variable Length and Size: The Eternal Reach is a versatile bo staff that can adapt to any combat situation. With a mere thought from Y/n, the staff can change its length and size, extending or retracting to suit his needs. Whether he requires a shorter, more agile weapon for close-quarters combat or a longer reach for ranged attacks, the Eternal Reach can transform accordingly, granting Y/n unparalleled flexibility on the battlefield.

Indestructible Construction: Crafted from a rare and ancient material, the Eternal Reach is virtually indestructible. No matter the force or impact it endures, the staff will never break or splinter. This durability allows Y/n to wield the weapon with confidence, knowing that it will withstand even the most relentless assaults from his adversaries. The Eternal Reach's unyielding nature makes it a reliable companion in the heat of battle, providing Y/n with a steadfast ally in his quest for victory.

Saiyan Physiology:

Physical Appearance: Saiyans possess a striking resemblance to humans, their stature and features mirroring those of their earthly counterparts. However, it's their distinguishing monkey-like tails that set them apart. These tails, covered in a dense, brown fur, are a signature trait of the Saiyan race. As they mature, Saiyans develop a formidable physique, their muscles sculpted and defined, a testament to their innate strength. Among the male pure-blooded Saiyans, the ability to grow facial hair, including beards, exists, albeit at a slow pace. This physical prowess is complemented by their remarkable resistance to extreme temperatures, a trait that far surpasses that of humans and faunus alike.

Tail: A defining feature of the Saiyan physiology is their prehensile tail, a unique appendage that serves both practical and symbolic purposes. From birth, Saiyans are adorned with these tails, which, akin to those of primates, possess a soft, brown fur. They have a remarkable dexterity, capable of grasping objects with the same finesse as any limb. Yet, despite its utility, the tail is also a vulnerability. When injured or grabbed, it inflicts excruciating pain upon its owner, rendering them momentarily powerless. However, through rigorous training and discipline, Saiyans can overcome this weakness, transcending the limitations of their physiology. Beyond its physical attributes, the tail holds a deeper significance, serving as the conduit for a Saiyan's true strength. It is through this appendage that they can harness the primal power of the Great Ape form, a transformation triggered by the influence of Blutz Waves under a full moon. But with this power comes a risk; should the tail be severed, so too is the connection to this formidable ability, leaving the Saiyan bereft of their most potent form.

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