Bubbles - 7

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Her restful slumber was interrupted by the sound of someone choking.

She opened her eyes and immediately felt a sense of warmth leave her embrace. Her eyes panned around the room and found the source of warmth sitting up in bed, coughing.

"Ruby?" she said tiredly, not wanting to get out of bed, "Are you okay?"

"No!" her teammate spat back, "I can still feel it!"

"Feel what?" finally concerned, Weiss sat up.

"Your hair got everywhere in my mouth!"

"Oh. That's what you woke me up for?"

"I didn't wake you up, Sleeping Beauty, I was dying!"

"Oh, would you just calm down? It's just hair," Weiss rubbed her eyes and laid back down, rolling over. She pulled up the blankets trying to get warm again, but it wasn't the same feeling as before when Ruby was... hugging her.

"It's your hair, Weiss! Your hair is so freakishly long and soft, but it feels like there's snakes crawling over me!"

"You seemed fine last night," the heiress slurred out before yawning, still trying to fall back asleep.

"Yeah but that's because I was so tired and you seemed like you REALLY needed a hug!"

"Also, did you just call my hair soft? And also me: Sleeping Beauty?"

"Am I wrong?" Ruby sighed in relief when she finally got all the loose hair strands out of her mouth.

Wrong fairytale but okay.

The silver eyed girl let her head fall back onto the pillow. She began unconsciously twirling her finger in her own hair, "I don't know what else to call your hair. Yang's hair has always been fluffy and full of volume... but your hair it's... it's like silky and smooth."

Weiss' eyes remained shut, but she could feel heat flush up her cheeks, "I am glad you noticed."

"Well? What do you think of my hair?"

Weiss could feel Ruby crawling toward her as the mattress shifted in weight.

"Let me sleep."

"It's already 6:15, Weiss! You should be getting up anyway!"

"You usually wake up at 6:15 in the evening, Ruby."

"Hey! It's not my fault that-"

"Your hair- despite its shortness and strange color- is coarse but healthy."

"Woah, so many words."

"It's not that many words you dunce," Weiss finally gave up from attempting to fall asleep, sat up and stared at her partner, "how is it like that anyway?"

Ruby pointed at the end of her locks that faded from black to a dark shade of red.

Her snow-haired teammate nodded.

"I don't know. I'm pretty sure it's just genes cuz my mom had them too," she shrugged, "I always thought it looked cool. And what's even more cooler was that even though I cut it even shorter or I let it grow, it still ends in red!"

Weiss continued to stare at Ruby, examining further at her looks.

Ruby shied away from how long her partner had been staring without saying a word.

The heiress finally backed away and began stretching her arms out, "I think it makes you, you. The red. Ruby Rose. It fits you. I like it personally. Red has honestly been my personal secret favorite color."

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