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When's your birthday?🫶🏻
(Btw this is the first Leo POV that I'm doing:)

Leo's POV:

I was fuming with anger. Earlier I got a call from one of our guards that one of our ware houses had been attacked. The fuckers could not guard it.

My black Lamborghini roared through the streets, as the sped reached 270. I didn't give a fuck. I was too pissed.

I already called my dad and he was already there. The only thing that was going on my mind now, was finding the traitor and torturing the bastard so much, that he'd wish he could die.

We had all our shipment in our ware houses. I knew this was from the Spanish Mafia. They were one of our biggest enemies.

I arrived at our ware houses. Some of our mafia men were there, surrounding the place.

I got out of my car, walking towards the warehouse houses. All of the men, nodded at me with respect.

After my dad, I was gonna be the owner of the Italian mafia. I was gonna take control of it, since Liam wants nothing to do with it. Which I don't fucking care.

I walked inside to see my dad and any other men. He ran a hand through his hair, looking frustrated. As soon as he noticed me, he walked over to me.

"The Spanish mafia. It was them" He said and my jaw clenched. "I knew it. We have to teach that bastard Enzo Rodriguez a lesson" I said and my dad nodded.

"I'm going to take care of it." He said and I gave him a small nod. "Don't you have school today?" He asked.

"Yeah, I do." I said. "Alright then, you go. We'll talk on the evening" He said.

I nodded at him and walked out of the warehouse houses, walking towards my car. I had to go to the mansion first, to change my clothes.

I have fucking school today. I hate everyone there. No, I hate that school in general. This is the last year, thankfully.

I drove off towards the mansion.

I picked up my phone, dialing Matteo's number. I called him and he answered in the second ring.

"Hey man. What's up" He said.

"Are you coming to school today?" I asked.

"Yeah of course. Where are you?"

"I'm back home. I'll be there in a few minutes" I say.

"Ok" It's all he says and I hung up. I threw the phone to the passenger seat. My one hand on the steering wheel.

Soon I arrived home. I let my car in front of the house, since I was gonna take it to school. I got out, walking to the main door.

I opened the door, not even bothering to close it, walking to my room.

Rebelle POV:

I woke up extra early today. It was my first day of my new school. Ms. Smith said that she already took care of the registration, so all I was left to do is go there.

It was 6:30 am. I woke up, and walked to the bathroom. I washed my face, and my teeth. Then, I redid my bed and pulled out my brand new school uniform.

The uniform was dark red and black. It had a white bow under the chin. It was so cute. I put it on and it fit perfectly. I absolutely love this.

Jane was at the same school, but in a different class. She told me she was in a class with Liam. I was kinda sad because I thought I was gonna be in the same class as her.

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