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I don't know what book to update first...
I'm currently working on like three books, and I have published 1 or more chapter in each (including this book)

Help me:|

Rebelle's POV:

"I love you"

Wait, what? Am I dreaming? What did he just say?

I stared at him, my eyes widened as I tried processing the three words that just left his mouth. Love. He said love, not like.

Am I going delusional?

What should I do? What should I say? Should I say it back? Is it too early for us to say this to each other? I don't know. I'm so confused right now.

"I-I...what?" I managed to say.

He chuckled, and caressed my cheek.

"I love you Belle"

He said it again. He was looking so intense, afraid I might do something or say something bad or wrong to him. And I was too. I didn't know what to do at this moment.

"Leo, I...I love you too"

I said it. I finally said it. His eyes lit up, and a bright, real smile covered his lips. I smiled back and he hugged me tightly.

I rested my head against his hard chest, listening to his heart beat, closing my eyes. He buried his face in my neck, inhaling my scent.


He stated to say. I slowly pulled away from him.


He stared at me for a moment, and smiled. That beautiful smile. His smile was not forced, it was ear to ear, real. And these are the only times I've seen Leo Moretti smile.

And that smile was meant for me, I made that real smile happen.

I slightly smiled back,

"Why are you smiling?" I asked and he shrugged, still smiling.

"It's the first time for me, when looking at someone and smiling for no reason"

He said and that made my heart melt.

He stared at me, his eyes soft yet dangerous. I stared back at him, taking in all of his features. His sharp, perfect jaw, his grey beautiful eyes, his dark brown hair.


He was just perfect.

But before we could do something, his phone started ringing. He rolled his eyes, and was about to decline the call, but I stopped him. I got out of his lap, dressing myself back

He watched me as I turned to him.

"It must be something important"

I smiled and he sighed, answering the call.


I sighed as he bang talking in Italian. I stared out of the window, at the forest in front of us. Hod did I get from working as a maid at a mafia house, to being the mafia's girlfriend?

I still can't believe it.

I never thought I would date someone now, let alone Leo Moretti.

I heard the car turn on, and glanced at him. He looked pissed as he threw the phone in the back seat with force.

What happened now?

The car sped off, and I was getting a little scared. I wanted to ask him what had happened, but he looked pissed.

I stayed silent, looking outside. We were in road now, and he went on street.

As we were driving, I spotted a Toyota Camry driving in front of us.

Toyota Camry's suck.

Leo's POV:

My jaw clenched as I sped through the streets. I got a call from Matteo. He reported that the Spanish scum had tried to enter the compound.

I swear to god I'm gonna fucking kill that Rodriguez

I'm not gonna listen to my dad this time.

I drove faster to the compound as I cut off a minivan. Fuck minivans.

I glanced a little at Belle to see her staring out of the window. I ran a hand through my hair. I need a cigarette.

I took a cigarette out of my pocket and lit it up, adjusting my seat on the drivers side, not minding to have any hands on the steering wheel.

I opened the window, so the smoke can go out.

"Belle, are you okay?"

I asked and she turned to me. She slowly nodded smiling. I sighed and focused my eyes on the road, while taking a puff of my cigarette.

Fuck, I remember our moment earlier.

That was the best sex I have ever had. She's fucking amazing. My mind was still replaying her moans, groans, every fucking thing. I glanced at her, her brown chocolate hair was a little messy, her ruby pink lips were screaming for me to smash my own against them.

Her cheeks looked so soft I only wanted to squeeze them, and caress them with my finger. Hey beautiful brown eyes, shone by the sun light, her lashes long.

She was beautiful.


We arrived at the compound, and I stopped the car and few meters away from the gate. I glanced at Belle, taking her hand.

"I have to go somewhere, you can go now. I don't want anyone to see us"

She nodded her head, and gave me a kiss on the lips. I immediately kissed her back, running my hand through her chocolate silk hair.

This girl I swear-

She'll be the death of me.

We pulled away and she smiled at me. I kissed her forehead, and she got out of the car. She went inside the compound, and I opened the car drawer, taking out two pistols.

I loaded them, and took my phone from the backseat. I called Matteo, and he answered on the first ring.

"Get ready, we're going to attack"

He sighed from the other side.

"Leo, are you sure? Inform your father at least"

I clenched my jaw.

"I am going to inform him Matteo. Just do as I say"


I cut the call, and drove away. I pulled out a fat joint, from my pocket, lighting it up. I love doing drugs. It helps me concentrate and deal with problems.

My phone buzzed, and I glanced down to see a call coming from my dad. I answered, putting the phone to my ear.

"Leo where are you?"

"Going to the ware houses, why?" I asked.

"Go and wait for me there. Don't do anything unless I say so" My dad said. I sighed.


I cut the call, and ran a hand through my hair.

I'm already missing Belle

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Love ya my lil babies:)

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