69 10 55

21 years ago

Soobin walked into the cafe. It was Yeonjun's mother's birthday party. Soobin was quite nervous to be here. He was acquainted with Yeonjun's mother but was much closer to Yeonjun than his mother. His nervousness disintegration as soon as he saw Yeonjun though. It was the first time he had seen the older in clothes that weren't for work. Instead of his usual black pants and black shirt, he was wearing black trousers that made his small waist look even smaller, a white turtleneck and he had tucked the front into his trousers, finishing off the clean look with black shiny shoes. He looked very handsome.

Soobin's clothes were oddly similar to the other man's. He was wearing black trousers and a white turtleneck, he wore a black cardigan over top and black shiny shoes as well.

"Well it looks like we're matching aren't we?" Yeonjun said as he smiled, walking closer. He looked down at the wrapped box in Soobin's hands. Yeonjun giggled at it fondly.

"Is this for my mom?" The older asked. Soobin just nodded with a soft smile. Yeonjun giggled again. He loved the dimples that popped out whenever the younger smiled. He fought the urge to poke at the dimples and gestured for the younger to follow him through the crowd.

Soobin was having a little bit of trouble keeping up with Yeonjun so he grabbed onto the oldest hand. Yeonjun looked back, kind of surprised, before realizing and holding his hand back, their fingers interlocking.

Once they got to the back of the café Soobin saw that Yeonjun was directing him to Felix and Taehyun, who were seated at a booth. They both smiled once they saw the pair and waved them over.

"Hi Soobin. We're glad you decided to come." Felix said, smiling wildly. He was definitely drunk. Taehyun wasn't drunk though and just sipped his tea politely. Yeonjun whispered sorry to Soobin.

"So what'd you get my mom? I told you you didn't need to bring anything." Yeonjun said as he shifted in his seat to face the young man. Soobin put the small box onto the table and opened it. Inside was a dainty silver necklace that had a small Marigold flower on it.

"Since it's your mother's birth flower I wanted to get it for her. I also wanted it to have a little more meaning. I'm sorry if it's not something she'll like. I can always return it." Soobin said shyly. "I also noticed she wears silver jewelry more than gold."

Yeonjun's heart did backflips while he was watching Soobin explain the gift to him.

He's so thoughtful.

"My mom is going to love this."


"Does your mom wear silver or gold jewelry I forgot."

Yeonjun looked at Chaewon who was looking at necklaces for Yeonjun's mom. It's been around two weeks and his mother was now back from her birthday vacation. That meant that they were going to go pay her a visit and give her a gift.

Yeonjun sighed before looking back at the bracelets in front of him. "Silver."

"Mom! Dad!" Soonja said happily as she walked down the store isle waving something in her hand. "I found these Jack stone pebbles that they're selling so we can all play Gongginori!" She held up the colorful plastic pebbles and smiled.

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