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You stood infront of the mirror, looking at your new uniform. They gave you the male sorcerer's uniform as requested. You glance at yourself in the mirror. It's good that you no longer will be able to see your scars in this uniform,though deep down they'll be stuck in your mind. Your eyes lingered on your reflection in the mirror . 


"Wow ! [Y/N], this clothes are really similar to jujutsu tech's uniform for guys" He ruffled your hair standing behind you while you look into the mirror."I bet Saturo--


You slammed your fist against the mirror infront of you. Your breathing coming out in short gasps. The mirror shattered . Rivulets of blood trickles down your fingers. Your hands gripped your head so tight that your hair will rip out. Why won't this all end? Fragments of the past, memories when you was still under the age of 5, Before Suguru descent into darkness . They are so suffocating. Everything around you is triggering those blissful moments and making it worse to deal with present. You don't want to remember anything. 

You grab another bandage and wrap it around your hand. You took a deep breath and step out of the confinement you reside in . The driver was already there to pick you. You was supposed to go to higher ups and then continue your missions. You sat quietly in the backseat. After an hour or more the car stops. You step out making your way inside to meet higher ups. 

You stood in the centre of the semi circle, the lights falling down on you. The higher ups behind the doors , keeping up their mysterious auras. "Kneel" Your body jerks down at the impact of cursed speech used by the person behind the doors. You grunted, positioning yourself in  kneeling. 

"Are you too slow to bow or did Gojo Saturo brain washed you into the idea of going against us" Another voice objected from behind the door. You shook your head "Sorry. I haven't recovered yet". "So you mean we aren't giving you a proper medical attention?" You denied what they said. "No. I dont mean it that way" your head dipped lower. "That's good. We hope for you to work for us for the rest of your life in a way to arrest your brother not execute him when we catch him" You nodded reluctantly. 

"Very well. Is there something else that needs to be done?" They asked. "The mirror in my room should be fixed" You requested. "Yes. Now you can leave. Don't disappoint us" You followed their orders and got up , leaving the room. Once again back to it . 

"She is wrapped around our fingers. Poor thing she thinks her brother is Alive" They chuckle sadistically after you left.  All they plan to do is make use of the weapon they made you into. You'll never escape them even if you are away. Even if you were in jujutsu high.

You have been working as a sorcerer, your expenses were handled by them. Though it all had a cost , you need to work as a sorcerer to pay them back and a deal between you and higher ups. When Suguru will finally come into the hands of law, he won't be executed if you keep working as a sorcerer. That's what the deal higher ups proposed to you years ago. 

Your body aches as you exorcised curses on multiple missions on same day. The pain in knee your makes you weaker reducing your speed. Absorption of curses seem more disgusting as always. Once again experiencing all the emotions felt by a curse. After all curses are made from human's negative emotions. If only these non sorcerers knew how to control their cursed energy.

Your body battered , you leaned back against the seat. You was returning back to your house . The car came to a stop. The door opened from your side opened and he came inside to sit beside you. The person you longed for to come and save you. "Saturo nee-san" Your voice quivers seeing him here. After a long time you've called him this. The white haired sorcerer just smiled and gestured for driver to drive.

"We are going back [Y/N]" You nodded at him. All you wanted was a second chance. You swore you'll cherish it, be with everyone even if death's suddeness is inveitable. A sense of uneasiness and relief fills you. You hope that you'll keep yourself in control this time. 


Chapter 11 completed. 

A/N : sorry for short chapter. 

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