Chapter 5, 46 AD, Rome

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Antonillus looked around at the people thronging the main assembly room of the basilica or administration building near the Curia where a civic banquet was in progress. Scantily-clad women and pretty boys of all ages mingled among the Senators, officers, and officials. They were looking at him and his father like they were exotic animals in a cage. Artorius clapped him on the shoulder.

"This is the real Rome, Boy. What do you think?"

"I'm trying not to," Antonillus said. "This is insane."

The presentation to the Senate had been a success. He and his father rode in procession from Julius Antonius' townhouse to the Forum. Rather than emphasize his own glory, Iolarix focused on the majesty of Gaul. No floats bearing images of ancestral gods or battle honors. Instead, the horse-drawn wagons were filled with the products of the province, including a silver cauldron presented to the Senate, and a gold table service for the Emperor. Bronze wine jars and vases were given as offerings to Jupiter, Juno, Vesta, Mars, and Minerva. The King's speech emphasized the loyalty of his people to Rome, and their prosperous state under the Empire. After the ceremony, the King and Antonillus poured libations to the Emperor, his family, and several Roman and Celtic deities. So far, so good.

Antonillus watched his father conversing with the Emperor as both men sat on a raised dais along with the two Consuls, Julius Antonius and Valerius Messala. The Imperial women reclined on couches nearby. Antonillus saw that one of them kept looking at him and his father.

"Who's that?" Antonillus asked. "The lady in green on the far end keeps looking at us."

"She's someone you never want to meet," Artorius said. "Just stay back here with me."

Messalina was also looking over the Gaulish King and his son. Celtic men favored lean, muscular physiques, and worked out to prevent any fat or flab. Iolarix wore a fitted tunic and trousers that showed his body to its best advantage. He was tanned, his red-gold hair in braids. As he leaned forward to talk to the Emperor, the candlelight reflected the blue jewels of his earrings and brooch, complimenting the color of his eyes. Claudius said something amusing and the King laughed, showing white teeth in a wide smile. He reached for a cup and realized it was empty. His son took it to refill at a buffet nearby. Messalina called one of her ladies.

"Ollia, look at that one," she said, nodding toward Antonillus.

"I didn't know they had darker ones in Gaul," Ollia said. "He's the best-looking one of them all. Maybe we can get a closer look."

"Not while Cerberus guards him," Julia Livilla said. "Grandfather and Uncle are keeping him close."

"Maybe this will work," Ollia said and called a younger teenager lounging nearby. "Salvius, go talk to him. Bring him over here."

Salvius Otho, the son of a wealthy Senator of Hispanic ancestry, sauntered toward Antonillus.

"Salvius Otho," he said. "I'm from Campania but my parents were born in Tarracona."

"And I'm Antonillus Bricius," Antonillus said. "I'm from Gergovia. Father was born here, but Mother is from Antioch."

"Your uncle is Marcus Antonius, the Eagle of Antioch," Otho said.

"Yes. You know of him?" Antonillus asked.

"Everybody does," Otho said. "There are some ladies who'd love to meet you."

Artorius stepped forward.

"My grandson attends his father, the King, and must keep to his duty."

Artos turned at that moment.

"Antonillus, I will not excuse you," he said. "You remain with me."

"Yes, Sir," Antonillus said and rolled his eyes. "Parents!"

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