Part - 37

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"What!" Everyone present in the dining area have the shocking expression looking at Yoongi, Koo didn't heard him properly but still looking at Yoongi to know what he just spilled.

" Hyungnim are you sure? I mean how do you know? You said you didn't find your mate." Taehyung said with a visible frown and Hoseok nodded his head in Taehyung's sentence.

" I really didn't until I entered Busan. While coming to the palace I saw him and I really got mesmerized but he is not ready for mating, he didn't recognize me. I don't know what to do, Eoma mama is so excited for my mating ceremony with her Friends Daughter now what should I do?" Yoongi said while being concerned about the situation he is in now, the coronation date is near and he now that he find his mate he doesn't want anyone else except him.

" Talk to Aba mama maybe he can give you some useful advice" Tae said

" Hyungnim maybe we should inform Empress of Daegu about the matter, there's not many days left for the coronation we have to stop the mating ceremony if that person is your mate or you can have them both as consort if you want." Hoseok suggested but Yoongi literally growled on him for suggesting this nonsence.

" Hoseok ah why would I want anyone if I have my mate. I don't even want to look at anybody now that I saw him, it's only him or no one." Yoongi expressed while his sound is little lauder than before.

" I know hyungnim but do you think Empress Hyun ah will listen to you if you express your feelings. She will not take it and definitely would want you to marry princess Jisoo ( not a member of blackpink just a random name) and become the Emperor. Now what choice do you have? As you said your mate is still not of age for mating, do you think Empress will postpone the ceremony for him?" Hoseok stated the facts, everyone in both Royal Familes knows about the temper of Empress Hyun ah, she is a literal opposite of Empress Jae Hee, She is authoritative, power laced in her voice and dominant of all time, she doesn't like repeating her words at all. Whatever the decision she makes its a final declaration. She rules on Emperor Seok Jae's heart so there's nothing that can stop her from doing what she wants.

" This is the only reason I want to talk with the Majesty maybe he can pursue eoma mama." Yoongi was saying while Emperor and Empress entered the dining room along with Areum who went to Taehyung as soon as she saw him and hugged him.
" Welcome home son, I missed you a lot Tae." Areum said and Taehyung returned the hug saying," I missed you too aunt."
Jae Hee saw them but ignored Taehyung as if she is not hurt.

" Yoongi how was your jurney? I hope you are not feeling tired after the jurney, take rest after breakfast." Emperor said
" Sure Your Majesty, I am actually fine so don't need to worry. I actually wanted to talk to you about something important." Yoongi said with visible frown
" What happen Yoongi is there anything that's bothering you? You can always share your worries with us you know." Jae Hee said with concerned eyes which is trying to find anything that is disturbing Yoongi.
" I know your highness and I wanted to share the news that I found my mate after I entered Busan boarder but Eoma mama already fixed my mating with Princess Jisoo, i don't want to mate anybody except my mate but he is still not of age for mating what should I do? You know Eoma mama how she is, she won't listen to anything. If you can talk with her about the matter maybe she can reconsider her choices."
" We will try to talk to her and if your mate is not of age, he can still go to Daegu with you and few years later can mate you. How about that? And in this way your coronation won't postpone if everyone get to know about future Crown Princess." Empress said with a fond smile
" You are right Jae Hee I will write a letter to Seok Jae but before that we need to know about your mate and talk to them about the arrangements." Emperor said.

Later they got to know his mate is Official Park's son Jimin and they ae ready for the arrangements. When Jungkook got to know about Jimin he became so happy but sad too cause Jimin will leave with the Yoongi and he will become so alone.

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