Chapter 1

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Drops of water falling from her eyes. Sitting lonely in room besides the window. Getting comparatively low marks after working so hard.

Areen pov "I don't know how to explain what i'm feeling right now
I have most loving family but
all i can say is that everything hurts. my heart feels so heavy that all I wanted to do is cry,
I want to rest but I'm not even aware what kind rest should I take".

Parents & everyone was fine with her but she wasn't than
She want to make her parents proud , she decided to work harder than before by skipping school & home without anyone's knowledge & returning back to home at the time of school end.

Their was storm in her head which she kept all inside, because she couldn't find language to describe them &
As she don't want to display her
hard work at the end she just want to display her success and make her parents proud.
"The most beautiful thing in this world is to see parents smiling, and knowing that you're the reason behind that smile"

Than it was usual school morning sun shiny brightly,
birds were chirping
Jan 3 2024
Beginning of new year 3rd day
She called her school-driver & informed she wouldn't come to school today
She got ready, she took phone with her for safe-side,
Once she was a little girl, afraid of big wide world she grew up in the castle wall (she doesn't go anywhere except her home & school, but she doesn't know world is so dangerous, This was her first time stepping out of her home thinking everything we'll be fine, just to work-hard make parents proud but world is so messed up that her goal turned into nightmare, let us see in detail)

according to her parents she was going to school but She went out to the local park near her house & she was working harder for final examination than the park closed at 10:30am than she was searching for peaceful place to study than she found stairs at someone's home and continued studying.
It was her huge fault.

The people in the house catched her their enquired her about her family her school etc
She lied them everything, she faked them her identity as she don't want to show her real identity, than their found phone in her bag, started doubting her
However she wasn't good at lying
She wasn't good at socializing
She never stand such strange place dealing with so many people's.
She felt the walls of her mentality breaking down. The defense mechanism has failed

The people asked her why she was their she said ''she was their to study but their didn't believe her 'their mistook her as some bad girl who run from home' or 'any mental' girl, than forcefully they took her somewhere, she tried to escape but emphatically their catched her energetically strenuously, she never allow any one to touch her, she felt so embarrassed, than vigorously their took her to school which she faked them.

Areen pov "A panic sets in me And everything becomes overwhelming, My self-esteem starts to drop It feels as if my head might pop ".

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