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Jade dragged Jack along into the mall, the boy whining that he didn't want to walk around the whole time.

" Jack, you asked me to go to someone in your family's wedding", she said, " I need to get something somewhat presentable",

" J, you have so much clothes",

She scoffed, " Not for a wedding in the summer. I just need a nice dress, it's not gonna take long",

" That's what you say every time", he joked

Jade smiled, " I leave in two weeks, be happy I'm even hanging out with you right now",

He laughed, following her into the store as she just shook her head at him.

Just as Jack said, it took her forever to actually find something she liked. After asking him multiple times if he thought it was okay, Jade chose a pastel yellow summer dress since the wedding was on the beach.

" When do we leave?", she asked him as they got into his car

Jack shrugged, " No clue. Tomorrow night, I think? I'll ask my mom",

The two drove back to Jades house, Jack not coming in since he had to go home to help his parents with something.

" Text me after you ask, okay?",

Jack nodded, Jade kissing his cheek quickly before rushing inside to her house.

Trevor sat on the couch, invested in whatever he was watching on the tv. Jade plopped beside him, the boy looking over at her.

" What'd you get?",

Jade held up the dress, Trevor nodding, " Looks nice",

" Yeah, I'm nervous to go. His whole family is gonna be there", Jade admitted to him

Trevor smiled, " They'll love you. His family is awesome",

The blonde nodded as she just went up to her room to get changed for work, waiting for her mom to get home so she could drive her.

" Is Emma coming over later?",

" Yeah", Trevor said as he still payed attention to the TV

Jade nodded, rolling her eyes at the older boy who seemed to be paying zero attention to what she was saying.

The girl couldn't wait to meet Jacks family, but of course she was nervous. Meeting them almost made their relationship feel even more real.

They were only in high school, but Jade wouldn't change a thing even if she could. She wanted to make the most of it, just incase something changed once he got drafted.

Jack promised her that nothing would change between them. That they'd make it work, and she could only hope that he would keep his promise.

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