Chapter 15: A Light in the Darkness (Part 2)

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Arriving in Warchief's office, Lidea was greeted by the familiar sight of books, maps, and papers scattered all over the floor. Somehow making the room feel full despite its lack of furniture. Her eyes were quickly drawn to the source of the clutter, who currently stood hunched over his desk. Warchief looked weary as he leaned onto his hands, the meeting seemed to have stolen all the energy he had for the day.

Crystal who stood beside him, didn't seem to fare any better. The healer looked gloomy, her arms crossed tightly in front of her body and her lips drawn tight. Dark circles marred her angelic features and she was wearing her normally pristine white healer's dress, which was stained everywhere with spots of green, yellow, or brown. The origin of which Lidea didn't want to guess.

A single look at their expressions was enough for her to know that she was about to receive some bad news.

"What happened?"

Briskly she stepped between them, only now noticing the crumbled piece of paper they were studying. At first, she thought it was written in a foreign language until she noticed some familiar words. It was Lynean, just barely legible.

"Wulf brought this down from the castle. We are in trouble."

Frowning in concentration, she glanced over the short piece of text. It claimed that the church had created a magic absorbing stone that could break through their barrier and that an attack was planned as soon as there were enough to supply some sort of army. It sounded far-fetched and her doubts increased as her eyes glued themselves to the initials that had signed the letter. V.K.

Valerian Kyeiron.

Immediately she was reminded of when she had received a similar letter, though written better. One which had prompted her to make the biggest mistake of her life.

"We have an advantage if they solely attack us from the main entrance. The tunnel will funnel their troops to us, so we just have to defend ourselves from a couple of men at a time. But with the difference in skill and sheer numbers, it won't matter. Without the barrier, we stand no chance."

Frustration echoed through Warchief's voice, and his expression turned to one she didn't knew he was capable of. Defeat. It unsettled her to see him so out of character. Was he just tired? Or maybe the pressure of everyone's expectations was finally getting to him.

"What is even the point of worrying about an attack? Our rations are depleting rapidly. I'm already at the end of my healing supplies, and food-wise I think we have enough for another week or two. I can ration further, but that would mean that we severely weaken ourselves."

Crystal spat in anger, as they both stared at the letter like it was a contract signing their doom. Seeing them this upset, softened some of the grudge that had formed within Lidea after they had declared they were leaving with no thought about what would become of the people they left behind. They did care.

Or maybe they just want to survive.

A cynical part of her brain added but Lidea tried to silence it.

"So we either die by starvation or we get killed. Pick your poison I suppose."

Warchief's attempt at a smile looked more like a grimace as he looked at Lidea.

"Unless our Princess has any brilliant ideas?"

She glared at him for using the nickname but the seriousness of the situation made her not mention it.

"How sure are we that Valerian is telling the truth?"

Both looked taken aback, probably not expecting her to question the news itself, but Warchief was quick to recover.

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