chapter 2

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Cynthia's pov

As I walked throught the doors of Sonic I quickly rush to the bathroom and just splashed cold water on my face telling myself repeatedly "be cool,be cool" after a while I opened the bathroom door to see the same boy that was in the car next to me standing there staring at me.


B: Wow you take forever in the bathroom

(That got me mad)

C: Why are you even waiting for me!

B:Woah don't get mad I just wanted to talk to you

C: ok about what? (I said calmly)

Before he could even say anything my little brother Elias yells throughout Sonic "Lily moms calling you!!!"
He then finds me and tells me again but in his inside voice.

C:" Look who I ran into " (I turn the boy around so he is facing my brother) "he is my old friend from elementary " i told elias (Elias then shakes his hand)

E: well mom is calling you

C: oh ok I'll be right out (elias leaves) um hey what's your name?

B: oh it's conner, Conner Dennis

C : oh well hi conner my name is (he cuts me off)

B : Lily your name is Lily

C : no actually my name is cynthia my nickname is Lily its a long story

B : oh sorry well hi Cynthia

C : its ok and I'm sorry I have to go you heard my little brother my moms calling me

B : wait! at least give me your number

C : why?

B : so we can talk later

C : oh..... ok its (710)616-2313
      (Not a real number)
B : let me walk you back,our cars are right next to each other

C : ok but your gonna have to pretend to be an old friend of mine from elementary so my mom doesn't get suspicious

B : ok

Mom's pov

Cynthia is taking forever "Elias go get her " he leaves then comes back shortly after and says "she is coming" he then takes a nap its been a long day I wait a while I then see Cynthia walking out with the boy that followed her in.

Cynthia's pov

We exchanged numbers and head out. I get into my car and he stands by my window my mom then asks "who is this?" While pointing at conner.

Conner : Hi Cynthia's mom my name is Conner Im an old friend of Cynthia's I went to elementary with her "

Mom : oh well hello conner you can just call me maria

Conner : well i should get going

He then hugged me (I swear I felt sparks fly)and then he said goodbye to my mom and I. He then sat in his car texting me. We texted back and fourth. My mom looked at my phone and glanced at conner and she started  laughing i gave her a confused look.

Conner's pov
"Well I should get going " I said. I hugged Cynthia and said my goodbyes. I then and finished my food and started texting cynthia. She is really funny she made me laugh alot in those 5 minutes we were texted back and fourth. I then noticed her mom look at me and laugh i didn't know why but i just shook it off. After that i got a text from my mom saying "conner i need you home in 30 and bring dinner " I quickly responded "ok " I ordered more food and left.

Mom's pov

I was just introduced to conner an old friend of Cynthia's i guess he is a good kid. We got our food and cynthia didn't feel like eating because she was too busy on her phone texting. I checked to see who she was texting and of course it was conner. I then glanced at conner in his car he was looking down at his phone and he was smiling that made me laugh. I then got a confused look from both of them. The whole time they were texting all i could think about is how cute they were. After a little while conner left as so did we.

Thanks for reading I hope you liked it. Have a

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