chapter 6

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Cynthia's pov

I don't know why i was just mysteriously able to sleep over another night, i guess maybe sleeping over isn't so awkward?
(later that night)

conner's pov

Me- hey just as friends do you wanna go to the movies tonight?
Cynthia- ah sure what movie should we see?
Me- whatever you want.
Cynthia- ok lets just see what movies are out and we'll agree on one.
Me- ya sure.

We decided on this movie i forgot the name but it was a comedy. We went to the top and sat down. We laughed alot. After the movie we decided to head back to the house for bed because it was getting late.

Cynthia's pov

After deciding on a movie we went to the top and sat down. The movie was really funny and we laughed alot but every once and a while i would notice conner looking at me but i would ignore it. After the movie we went back to conner's house and went strait to his room. We decided to change into our pjs. Conner went to the bathroom and changed and i changed in his room. Conner finished before me and he walked in on me changing while i was in my bra and underwear.

Conner-omg i'm so sorry i should have knocked.
Me- it's ok it's just a little bit awkward
Conner- ya just a little (giggled a little)

i finished getting dressed then we sat in his room and watched netflix. Things were a little weird now between us since he's seen me on my nuder side. After the movie we started talking and after talking we somehow got really close to eachother and conner leaned in a little to try to kiss me. My mind froze the thoughts in my head were " omg i thought we were just friends and he's trying to kiss me if we do this it could ruin our friendship and if i back out things would be really weird between us, i don't know what to do" so i just let conner kiss me and things changed real quick between us. Conner is an amazing kisser and i just couldn't help myself he's just somebody who'd i never thought i'd end up with....

I had help with this chapter thank you so much Jtheriault03 i love ur idea and it made me happy to see your comment and to know that someone enjoys my book and tried to help out

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