58. Sprint race and qualifying recap

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Lewis pov:

Coming back in my hotel room I immediately laid down on my bed, I wanted to text Seb about what happened with Nico.

I knew Seb would be mad at me but I didn't really care. For me it was way more important that Nico was there for me when I needed him.

I opened my phone when I saw I had a text from Nico, he confirmed that he never cheated this made me so fucking happy and relieved.

Because I knew this is the Nico I love and this is the Nico I married this is my Nico.

I also knew Seb was gonna murder me if I took Nico back but I didn't care, he said he had a reason and he'll tell me it when he's ready I trusted him on that one.

I heard my hotel room door open before I heard footsteps towards me.

George: Dad?

Kimi: Dad are you awake?

Lewis: I am what's up kids?

Kimi: Paul isn't in his room, and now I'm worried where he is.

Lewis: I'll call him.

I grabbed my phone before I unlocked it and I called Paul, I didn't do this on speaker.

Paul: Dad? What's up?

Lewis: Hey kiddo, Kimi was looking for you but you aren't in your room so he came here all worried.

Paul: Oh no I'm sorry, am I on speaker?

Lewis: Nope why?

Paul: Okay then I can tell you this, I'm with Dino so that's why I'm not in my own room.

Lewis: Oh I get that buddy, I'll tell Kimi about the movie night, have fun!

Paul: Thanks dad

I hung up the call, before I told Kimi about a movie night. Kimi just nodded.

Lewis: Why were you looking for Paul?

Kimi: I didn't want to be alone so I was looking for Paul to keep me company.

Lewis: You can stay here if you want, and you Georgie?

George: I wanted to ask if it's okay if I invite Al to my room?

Lewis: As long as I don't need to hear what you're doing it's okay.

George walked out of the room while Kimi climbed into the bed and cuddled me. We fell asleep quite peaceful like that but not before I sent Nico a picture.

Arthur pov:

I knocked on the door of my boyfriend's hotel room, he opened the door with a happy smile on his face.

He pulled me into the room and gave me a kiss.

???: How was your day Thur?

Arthur: Quite boring actually.

???: Is a movie a good idea to make it more interesting?

I nodded while I laid down on the bed. My hands immediately ruffled his brown hair to style it a bit.

???: Babe if my hair isn't sitting good you can tell me. You don't need to style it yourself.

Arthur: Your hair is always sitting good Mon coeur.

When the discussion if my boyfriends hair was a mess or not was over we decided to watch a movie.

We quickly decided to watch the Marvel endgame movie.

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