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(A/N: Before we start I want to say some things: first off I'm all okay after being in the hospital but thank you all for the sweet messages🫶🏻 second thank you all because we reached the 25k reads Thats really crazy because I started this hoping maybe 10/20 people would read this so 25k reads really is a lot.

Some other f1 books/groupchats I like (if you're done reading mine and you want to read something else):
Now let's continue the story!)

Paul pov:

The second Eprix didn't go in the way I hoped but I was happy to be able to at least drive a weekend. When I had done the debriefs and thanked the team I got onto my plane to go to Italy when I sat down I texted Dino.

Private chat between my dinosaur🫶🏼 and älskling❤️:

Älskling❤️: I just got on the plane will be on the airport in 1,5 hours!

My dinosaur🫶🏼: That's great then I'll pick you up kärlek❤️

Älskling❤️: Thank you😘

I closed the chat while I put my AirPods in played some music before I  fell asleep.

Private chat between papa🥰 and Bear🧸:

Bear🧸: Papa? I made a mistake and I don't know what to do anymore...

Papa🥰: Tell me baby, or would you rather call me?

Bear🧸: Text is fine. So on my birthday I went to eat dinner with Kimi (the little Kimi)

Papa🥰: If you say Kimi I know you mean your teammate it's fine Ollie❤️

Bear🧸: So we went out for dinner and it was all very fun and we had nice food. And then we went for a walk. And while we were on the beach I kissed him.


Bear🧸: NO IT ISNT because when I pulled away Kimi started sprinting away. And now they made a mistake in the hotel what makes us share a room.

Papa🥰: Did he text you or anything?

Bear🧸: He did he asked if we could talk. But I don't dare to reply to him...

Papa🥰: You have to Ollie, if you like him you have to fight for it.

Bear🧸: But I'm so scared...

Papa🥰: Just try it or you can send him a text if you're really really scared❤️ you can do it baby

Bear🧸: I'll talk to him thank you papa❤️

Papa🥰: It's fine Ollie I see you this weekend❤️

Bear🧸: Yup🫶🏻

Dino pov:

There was something up between Ollie and Kimi. I was going to ask Paul if he knows something. I looked forward towards the hall he's coming from until I see a tall blond around 10 meters in front of me.

I saw him putting his bag on the floor while I ran up to him when I was close enough I jumped into his arms.

Dino: I missed you so much, but you did amazing this weekend.

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