Just a thought

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the thing is i don't know what anybody else's life is like.
I only know mine, truly.
I only see what i want to see, what they want me to see.
I don't know the truth of their perspective, or what they struggle with the most.
I only know what they show me, what i'm supposed to see.
it's not always what i think it is, that's why it's harder for me to judge.
what if that person smiling until their cheeks start to hurt, is actually in pain?
what if they feel things so deeply that it hurts them to have to fake it everyday?
so why must i perceive them as happy, when i know only what they show.
People see what they want to, but maybe it's not always the truth.
It's not easy to look deeper, but it's also not impossible to see if there's more to a person's story.
something that you may not have ever perceived it to be.

(I really was just thinking about things and some people's pain go deeper than the surface. We may not notice it or they may not ever look as though they're struggling, when actually they're dying inside. I think it's important to check up on people every once in a while, even if you think a person is okay. Asking and making sure is good, maybe a hug, even if they ask why and you tell them you wanted one. Maybe they needed one and just didn't say anything. If you truly do need one don't be afraid to ask a person who you know cares about you or you know won't mind. I know what it feels like to want a hug but not ask because I think i'd be bothering them. Also I hope anyone going through anything knows how special and important they are. I love you all so much, you're all important. Stay here, take care of yourself. Get a drink of water, some food, take a walk, a nap if needed. Do anything and everything that helps you or makes you feel safe and taken care of. You're important my lovelies, have a good/night/day/evening whatever time it is for you. :) <33

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