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He's so beautiful, my attention steers towards no other.
He encapsulates my mind completely, filling my thoughts like the pages in a book.
Clearing the bleakness of my dreams, and fixing his light through the broken seams of my heart.
Thinking of him, of the life he leads, who he is as a person.
Can i just live in the whim of him, no longer feeling my mind spin?
Drifting into the emptiness is no longer inevitable, for once again my mind will float like a feather in the wind,
gracefully, slowly, blanketing the ground, the image of him sticking in my mind.
Swimming around in his essence, imagining being at home.
Home, him.
Those two things never being separate, he's the comfort of a home.
A place you can go to with your troubles, knowing you won't be judged.
Knowing you can be you, who you truly are,
not who people say you are.
Who you are.
The unresolved pain stings my eyes, why can't i be home already?
Home is more than a place, home is more than just a synonym for a house.
It's to describe the love you feel, the warmth that spreads through your chest and bubbles up out of your lips into a harmonious sound.
It's to describe the life you long for, where, what, or who makes you feel the happiest.
The safest.
The most loved.
He's my home.

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