45. Big Blast

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While sitting in the train car, they all prepared to attack. They found whatever they could, making use of anything they had to try and defend themselves. Lillian, on the other hand, say down against the car with her head resting against it. She couldn't be of any help, she didn't have anything she could use. She listened to everyone's stories though.

How Beth got taken, how the three new people got here, questions about family members. She learned that the ginger's name was Abraham, the other man was Eugene, the short haired girl was Tara, and the girl with the hat was Rosita. She learned that Eugene was a really smart man, who apparently knew the cure for all of this. They were trying to get him to Washington. She thought this was bizarre, but she didn't know how the virus worked and he sounded smart so.

She also gave Glenn and Maggie a big hug. Maggie had asked her if she had seen Colton, which Lillian told her no but they would find him. She thought about the people they had left to find, the ones that she knew anyways. Colton, Carol, Beth, Judith, Athena, and Tyrese. She wondered if they were all together somewhere, she sure hoped they were.

Occasionally talking sounded from outside the car as scrapping against the floors and walls sounded from the inside. The noises began to make Lillian feel sick until they came to a stop due to screaming outside the car.

"Alright, got four of 'em pricks comin' our way." Daryl announced from the door. Lillian, along side of everyone else, were quick to their feet.

"Y'all know what to do." Rick told them. Everyone quickly moved into place. "Go for their eyes first, then their throats." Lillian moved to the back of the train car, she was told to stay back if she didn't have anything and so she did next to Carl.

"Put your backs to the walls on either side of the car now." A man screamed from outside. Everyone stayed in place. Lillian heard noise from above them, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked up to see the top of the car opening and a bottle dropping in.

"Move!" Abraham screamed. They all leaped away from the can. Lillian moved quickly against the wall, tripping as someone grabbed onto her when they tripped. Smoke erupted through the air, invading everyone's lungs. Lillian couldn't breathe as she let out large coughs. She held her jacket up to her mouth, getting a little more air than she could but still coughing. The last thing she heard was the door opening before she felt dizzy and everything went black.

She suddenly woke up again, gasping in. Carl was at her side.

"Hey, it's okay." Carl reassured as he scooted back a little, giving her space. Lillian sat up, looking around. She looked at everyone to see they were all there but Bob, Rick, Daryl, and Glenn.

"What happened?" She asked frantically, standing up. Carl stood up too, holding his hands out to make sure she didn't fall.

"We don't know, honey." Maggie mumbled to her, she was not standing very far away but she also wore a worried face.

"We have to get out of here. We have to find them." Lillian insisted as she moved for the door but Carl grabbed onto her.

"We are about as useful as a screen door to a submarine kid, calm your balls." Abraham suddenly said from near the door. Lillian rolled her eyes, that sounded a lot like something her mama would say. Suddenly a big blast rang, causing the entire train car to move. Everyone looked at each other frantically. Lillian grabbed onto Carl for support.

Abraham banged on the door. "What the hell is going on?" Now who was the panicked one? Lillian thought.

"Someone hit them." Michonne answered.

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