47. Ya Ain't Like Him.

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            "Please!" Lillian begged. She was kneeled in front of Daryl as he sat on the floor, against the side of one of the pews. she had been sitting next to him but moved when Daryl jokingly said that she need to have some wine to chill out. She had been talking a lot but so had everyone else. Everyone had been crowded around, getting food, laughing and making conversation.

"Girl, sit down." Daryl sassed, his voice light as he held back a laugh. He scooped around some food on his plate.

"But you said i should have some soooo..." Lillian trailed off as she began to stand but Daryl quickly reached his leg up to block her.

"Sit y'er ass down."

"I promise I'll only ask for one, i'll be on my best behavior. Promise." Lillian tried again as she looked down at Daryl who was stuffing his face with food.

"Y'er funny." He mumbled through a mouth full.

"You're funny lookin'!" Lillian raised her eyebrows at him. He furrowed his eyebrows at her as he smiled.

"Fine. One cup. Go." He grumbled as he put down his foot. Lillian excused herself as she squeezed past people getting food as she hoped towards the wine. She grabbed a glass and then grabbed the wine bottle but we quickly stopped when someone spoke up.

"Woah, woah. What're you doing?" Glenn spoke up, holding a hand out towards the wine.

"Daryl said I could have some." Lillian said confidently. Glenn looked back at Daryl, who was talking to Carol, who sat on the floor next to another pew. Glenn sighed as he looked back at her, his hands dropping at his sides.

"Okay." He replied. Lillian continued to pour her a cup of the heavy wine before she set it back on the table and put the cork back into it. She walked proudly back to where she sat, next to Daryl. She had a smile on her face as she sat down.

Daryl let out an amused scoff. "Look at ya big tough guy." He commented. Lillian held up to arms pretending to flex her muscles. "Wanna see what i got?" Daryl ask as he set his food to the side and sat up correctly, he held his arms up and flexed his muscles, which he actually had.

"Eww." Lillian giggled as she looked at his lumpy arms.

Daryl scoffed. "Nah. Ew, you and y'er stick arms." Daryl poked at her arms as he relaxed back against the side of the pew. "Ya try it?" He pointed to the wine that she placed on the floor. She shook her head no and grabbed the cup, taking a sip. The alcohol burned her throat but it was an expected sensation. Daryl expected some kind of face or ew out of her but she only shrugged. "What?" Daryl exclaimed.

"Tastes like wine. My mama had better." Lillian bragged. She took another large sip from the cup and then crossed her legs as she grabbed her plate of food.

"Y'er mom seriously give ya wine?" Daryl asked her, his voice more serious and grumbly now.

"She gave me sips. Sometimes." Lillian explained. Daryl only grumbled in response. Lillian smiled as she looked at everyone having a good time.

"I'd like to propose a toast." Abraham announced. Everyone began to quiet down, taking a seat. Carl being the last one to get food. "I look around this room... and i see survivors. Each and every one of you has earned that title." Abraham held up his glass. Lillian suddenly got really excited as she realized that she was now able to do the funny thing that adults do, stuck up her glass. "To the survivors."

"Survivors! Cheers!" Everyone, including Lillian as she held up her glass. Her breathing shuttered in excitement as she smiled at Daryl. Daryl glanced over at her, only smiling when he realized that Lillian was smiling at him. Lillian took a drink from the glass before setting it down and taking a bite from her food.

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