Chapter 48: Order

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'It's strange. It's like there is a small gap, a pause between my brain and body. A second where I don't move, although I'm stepping forward. I'm treading through water that nobody can see.'


Albus Dumbledore was a very tired man.

It felt to him, that no matter how many times he sat down and resolved problems, smaller peskier ones simply leapt upwards to take their places. He had soothed squabbles between papers, a few Wizengamot meetings, conferences with the Minister of Magic, discussions with the Britain Committee of Magical Education, and even visited a few homes of struggling muggleborns. No matter how much he did, there would always be more to take its place.

With the spectacular disaster of the Triwizard Tournament, his workload had only since increased. A mixture of pleas and threats arrived by post daily, each sorted with a nifty charm to determine if information was useful.

And yet, despite his precautions over the years, here he was, forced to call together once more the Order of the Phoenix.

Fawkes trilled sadly, his long tail feathers softly brushing against the floor as his familiar perched on the back of his chair.

"I know," Albus sighed, wistfully stroking the crown above Fawkes' brow with one weathered finger, "Dark times are coming, my friend."

Fawkes ducked his head, as if mourning.

The door on the other side of the room opened jerkily, Molly scrambled inside with the chaotic frenzy that she wielded like a sword. "Oh! Albus! Would you like some tea? The others are just arriving! And I'll send little Sky on up with his friends, they can work on cleaning the third floor!" She tittered, scrubbing her fingers into her apron.

Albus found himself smiling at the energetic youth she still displayed, "That would be wonderful, Molly. Perhaps one of those honey cakes as well?"

"Oh! Of course!" She assured, her face tightening into a firm expression, "I'll leave you a plate, and they best be gone before the meeting starts!"

Albus chuckled lightly, humoring her with a small nod. She scampered off, already calling after the Weasley Twins, likely hiding in the stairwell.

Albus folded his hands, running his thumbs over his knucklebones while deep in thought. He barely noticed as Molly returned, delivering him a heaping pile of honey cakes, and a saucer of tea that had spilled slightly on the one side.

Fawkes chirped, and Dumbledore affectionately gave the crisp crust to the large bird.

The door opened once again, and the stilted strides of one of his closest friends staggered through.

"Alastor," Albus greeted fondly, "You look as if something has troubled you?"

Alastor scoffed, heavily settling into the nearest chair, "You can say that again, Albus. That last lead? With the Kimborns? Dead, as dried out as Potter's liquor cabinet."

Albus smiled knowingly, "Skylar is a young boy, it was my advice he empty out that cabinet. Merlin knows I'd have done that at his age."

Moody snorted, "You're spoiling that brat. Give him Dragon Barrel Brandy, see if he ever goes near a cabinet again!"

Albus chuckled fondly as Moody gave a hoarse laugh, grimacing as his magical eye noticeably stuck in its harness. Without asking, he unhooked the magical eye, and plopped it into Albus' tea.

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