Chapter 52: Suzie

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'I can figure this out on my own. I know I can. I wanted to be useful. Well, now I am. Now I'm useful and, and now I'm second guessing it? This is what I wanted.'


The tattoo had told him that his father was in hiding on a property that belonged to Rowle, somewhere near Kirkwall.

Adrian snapped into existence, surprised and shivering against the absolutely horrid chill.

Lutain hissed in alarm, flailing on the snow until Adrian snatched him up with numb fingers, clutching him close to his chest.

"Why is it colder?" Lutain bemoaned, thrashing still although Adrian suspected it was only theatrics, "Why must I suffer?"

"You're the drama queen here, I think I'm the one suffering." Adrian deadpanned, his body vibrating through fine shivers.

The snow was dirty and tarnished, tousled and scooped away in large swathes. Most likely cattle, searching for a hint of green in the northern flatlands.

Adrian felt around Lutain's body, struggling to unlatch the ramshod harness and pull his wand off of his familiar. Once he double checked that nobody was in the area, he cast two warming charms and stuttered his way through a half dozen locator charms. None of them worked.

"Why didn't you think of this sooner?" Lutain bemoaned, acting as if he was still cold although he was firmly coiled in his heating ward, "How did you not think of this?"

"Well sorry, I was a bit preoccupied." Adrian snapped out sourly, rotating in place only to see a pasture of white snow and dead grass.

Lutain sniffed haughtily, although quieted as Adrian began to walk. His shoes crunched through snow, although he stuck to the cattle tracks for as long as he could.

They found a road, barely trodden and clearly muggle. It would do, at least it was better than a pasture in the middle of nowhere.

"I don't think there are any buses out here," Adrian explained unnecessary to Lutain. He opened his robe, wincing as the cold winter air kissed his exposed collarbone and shoulder.

"Nagini?" Adrian addressed his shoulder, not wanting to have to remove any more than necessary. His skin stubbornly remained blank.

"Hah," Lutain cheered, watching in amusement as Adrian cursed and began to shuck his clothing. Soon he was shirtless, shivering and ready to collapse in a snowbank.

"Nagini?" Adrian tried again, already exhausted and sniffling, "Nagini, we're here."


Lutain tilted his head, "Is that a cow?"

Adrian gave a groan of frustration, "Probably! We just came out of a pasture! For cows!"

Lutain's face didn't change, yet Adrian knew he was smirking at him.

"Why not try thinking?" Lutain offered helpfully.

Adrian inhaled, and exhaled.

"Lutain, I don't think you're capable of that level of sarcasm. Otherwise I'd have left you out here all alone."

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