chapter24 - this side of her-

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I watched her from time to time and I could help but see how pretty she was
She looked so innocent looking outside the window like that and what made this feeling better was that she was mine and no one could take her away

"What?"Ellanore said annoyed,

Crap she saw me looking at her!

I didn't say anything I just smirked because she looked cute when she was mad or annoyed

"So what's our game plan" I say trying to cut the awkward silence in the car
"Our what?" She asked confused
"Game plan,...." I said in an obvious tone she looked at me with a blank expression i sighed and said " what is our plan for today, how are we going to make them believe it's a real marriage?" She looked out the window and said "that's my job your job is to play along and buy me ice cream"

I smirked at how confident she was and just nodded


We arrived at the brunch place and it was like a fucking castle I loved this asthetic, the building was creamy bricks and it was so vintage

He came down first and opened the door for me I was surprised at his actions so I asked when he opened the door "am I hallucinating or did you just open the door for me?" I said with a hint of tease in my tone he smirked and said "they were watching us, don't get used to it" I playfully roll my eyes and got out without him noticing i immediately put on my best acting skills to work

I put my arm around his and I smiled at him he looked a bit surprised when he looked at our intertwined arms but I Whispered in his ears " platonic" he smiled and nodded agreeing with me

We arrived at the entrance and a couple of men were standing there smoking when they saw me the looked me up and down then at Nathan
"If it isn't ace romano" one of the men said in a navy suit, Nathan gave him a cold Impression and didn't reply he walked past them like they weren't
Even there,


"Why did you ignore him?" I asked confused, again he didn't answer
I didn't say anything else because a bunch of people approached us with huge grins and smiles

"For fuck sake" nate said with a sigh,
"Oh my God your even more gorgeous then they described!!" A girl said in the group, I couldn't help but smile she then launched her self at me and hugged the living shit out of me

"Leave her alone liz" nate said with an annoyed tone, the girl or aperantly Liz gave him a dirty look and then back at me "how the fuck did you marry this asshole?" She asked with a tone of annoyance too


And then a blonde girl my age looked me up and down with a judgment look and then turned to Nathan " I don't understand how you married someone like that ace, no offense darling I just think that he had a different type but your pretty too I guess"


Nate then spoke up "you don't get to choose who my type is" she then tried to say something else,

"Ok were going" nate said and then a middle aged woman walked towards me and cuped my face and looked at me with aw and said
"oh mio Dio, è stupenda" I just looked at her with a smile because I understand italian but never told anyone

Nate then took my hand and said
"mamma, puoi lasciarla respirare per un secondo?"


The woman rolled her eyes at nate and then said in her thick Italian accent
"My son is a bit of a dick sometimes but I promise you he is very kind hearted"

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