chapter 26-ice cream-

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I turned in my bed and stretched my arms out and I felt her side empty i almost miss her and thought about when she will come back but I reme last night I decided that it was finally time for her to come back this fight was stupid

I opened my eyes and saw her side was empty i got up and looked around trying to make sense of my surrounding
Until I heard sounds coming from the kitchen

I walked downstairs after a quick shower and brushed my teeth
I was currently wearing my favorite sweats and a black shirt I walk in the kitchen and found a similar 5 foot 4 girl
With dark hair and wear nothing but my shirt that was too big for her


"Good morning" was all I said and she almost did a backflip, aperantly I scared her, she held her chest with her hands and her chest went up and down from the frightening move i did *sarcastic*

"What the fuck nate you scared the shit out of me!"

I couldn't help but smile at her reaction,
I went to grab a cup in the counter above her head I went to reach it but my front touched her back, she turned around with a confused face and that's when I realized how close our faces were,

I forgot the cup and kept looking into her eyes with a smile "I've missed this"
She took a deep breath and said
"Why didn't you take me home last night"

I grabbed a cup and with a sarcastic smile I said "I did" while going for the coffee machine
"What?, no nate i mean my home" she said and I replied
"This is your home love" with that I took my cup of coffee and walked away from the kitchen, I heard small and fast footsteps behind me,

I spilled some of my coffee when her hands grabbed on my arm trying to stop me but all she did was spill some of my coffee I stopped and looked at the coffee and then her with a wtf look
"This isn't my home" she said
" really check your marriage records"
And I left, she walked behind me again and this time stood infront of me
I rolled my eyes because she was starting to annoy me,

"This isn't my home!, I want to go back to MY home!" She said thinking she did something but it was just making her stay more,

"Not everyone gets what they want elle"
I said trying to go past her but she got in my way and her hands gently placed on my chest and she slightly pushed me
"You do" she admitted and I said "were different elle I'm a man and your a-"
She cut me off "a what!?"

Should I answer or .....

"A what nate im a what?" She demanded an answer and I gave it to her " a girl" she scoffed at me answer
And said "Your fucking sexist!, just because you have a dick does not mean your anything better then me your dick is nothing without my-" she didn't finish
The last sentence but I wanted her too

"Your what?" I asked teasingly
She glared at me and said "I want to go back home nate" she admitted

I lost my mind, I put the coffee back on top of the counter and covered her mouth with my hands,

And I said "do you hear that?" She looked at me confused and shook her head "It's called silence, isn't peaceful"
She pushed my hands off and said
"Fine if you won't take me home I will!"
I smiled knowing she won't get 2feet away from the house before I drag her back in,

She went up stairs and slammed our bedr door, I shook my head thinking
How am I supposed to get her out of my head I mean I have never been this obsessed with a woman or needy the past couple of days when I woke up and saw that she wasn't in her usual side of the bed peaceful sleeping, she looked so innocent and cute,

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