Mission: Naoko & Demetrius

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Now that I had found out that Naoko likes Demetrius in a romantic way, I needed to help her. She may have been a spoiled person, with so much luxuries she likes to flex on me, she was still an important person that i needed to satisfy to reach my target.

I could use her feeling toward Demetrius to build a strong bond between Demetrius and I. 


1. Get Demetrius to notice Naoko.

2. Get them to talk with each other and find topics to talk about.

3. Make Demetrius to fall in love with Naoko.

It was easier said than done. 

My idea was that for the first part, let's make Naoko a genius. But she defenetly wasn't. Naoko was pretty bad. But something she was good at was drawing. Maybe if I can make her get better in art, she could get stella stars in art and become an imperial scholar. This would catch Demetrius attention a little bit. 

That was when step one in plan "Naoko & Demetrius" started. 

"Do I really have to start at the art club" Naoko complained.

"If you want to become closer to Demetrius, then yes!" I answered.

"But why?" Naoko asked.

"So that you can get a fucking stella star!" I snapped, tired of hearing all of Naoko's complains.

"Okay... You didn't need to scream at me!" Naoko groused.

"Then don't ask unnecessary questions if you already know the reason!" I  replied.

Naoko and I walked to the reception (it was more like I dragged her to the reception) and I snatched the sign-up sheet and made Naoko sign the forum where it said "Art club". Now Naoko finally had a chance to catch Demetrius attention. I was not sure if Naoko actually wanted to join the art club, but back then i didn't care about Naoko's feeling if it meant that I would be able to complete my mission.


A few months passed by. I was known as the speedy imperial scholar because I had become an imperial scholar in less than two months. While for most people it took years to become an imperial scholar for me it took only a few months. This definitely made many people mad. They felt jealous. How  can the new student become an imperial scholar so quickly, they were thinking. I kind of felt good. people knew now that I was not someone to be messed with, but it came with a cost. The students had split into two groups. The first one saw me as an inspiration and wanted me to guide them. The other half thought of me as a threat and wanted to take me down. They would accuse me of cheating and start rumors. Though I didn't care. What I did care about was which side Demetrius was on.

One day I saw Demetrius passing by. I made sure to make eye contact with him. Then I read his mind. 

Anita really is something, but I can't trust her. She is a threat and father will definitely notice her at the next party, was Demetrius thoughts. This was bad. He saw me as a threat. This was REALLY BAD! I neded Naoko. I did a power walk to the art club and shouted: "Naoko!!!!"

"Hey, chill down will you!" Naoko said with a smirk.

"Well, how has it been going with Demetrius?" I asked anxiously.

"Well do you see me with Demetrius?" she sighed. "But I am getting there. I have  already gotten three stella stars, so there are only two stella's left." Naoko said.

"Okay, so you are soon there! But I think Demetrius has been noticing you!" I exclaimed, trying to be positive so that she doesn't lose hope.

So yes, I was doomed. Naoko had barely made a few steps toward the end goal and I was really starting to panic. That was when I remembered in one month there would be an exclusive party only for imperial scholars. In that month I needed to become closer to Demetrius and ask him to be my dance at the party. One month to go.

I had researched which clubs Demetrius was in and all of them were elite imperial think tanks (clubs exclusively only for imperial scholars) which is why I hadn't been able to enter those clubs. But now that I had become an imperial scholar I had forgotten about the clubs. 

I quickly rushed to the reception and snatched the sign-up sheet and wrote my name on every single club Demetrius was attending at the time.

I thought it wouldn't be hard, but that goddamn Demetrius made it hell!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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