chapter 51

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This is an edited chapter as the previous chapter i mistakenly uploaded incompleted.

As Taehyung lay in his bed, enveloped in the darkness of his luxurious bedroom, the sudden shrill of his phone shattered the tranquility of the night. His eyes snapped open, his heart pounding with anticipation as he reached for the device. The caller ID revealed it was his trusted private investigator, Min-hoo, the man he had entrusted with the task of finding Sia.

"Mr. Kim, you will bestow me with rewards if I tell you the news,"

Min-hoo's voice crackled through the line, the eagerness evident in his tone.

Taehyung's breath caught in his throat, his pulse racing as he urged the investigator to continue without delay. He had been waiting for this moment, yearning to hear any news of Sia, the woman who had captivated his every thought for years.

"Mr. Kim, I found about the whereabouts of Mrs. Sia. She is living in a small town with her husband and..."

Min-hoo's words trailed off, interrupted by Taehyung's impatient interjection.

"Just send me her location, Mr. Min-hoo,"

Taehyung commanded, his voice tinged with urgency as he cut short any further explanations.

As the call ended, Taehyung anxiously awaited the message containing Sia's whereabouts. Seconds felt like eternity until finally, a notification chimed on his phone. With trembling fingers, he opened the message, his eyes immediately drawn to the attached picture of Sia.

Four years had passed since he last laid eyes on her, yet she appeared more radiant than ever in the photo. Taehyung's heart skipped a beat as he drank in every detail of her ethereal beauty. His fingers traced her image on the screen, a tangible connection to the woman who had consumed his every thought.

"She has made me go through hell all these years,"

Taehyung murmured, his voice laced with a dangerous edge.

"Just wait for me, Sia. Your possessor is coming, and I will stop at nothing to claim you."

With a predatory gleam in his eyes, Taehyung vowed to make Sia his, by any means necessary. His obsession had transformed into something dark and primal, a force that would not be denied.

As he stared at her picture, a sinister smile curved his lips. "There will be no escape for you from me. Sugar ," he whispered, a chilling determination underlying his words. "

Turning his attention back to his phone, Taehyung dialed Min-hoo's number once more.

"Did you find anything else about her?"

he demanded, his voice brooking no room for hesitation or failure.

"Yes, sir, there are a lot of things I have to tell you. It will be better if we talk about these things in person,"

Min Hoo's voice came through the phone.

Taehyung hummed in response, his mind already racing with anticipation and plans. He cut the call and immediately rose from the bed, a sense of desperation overtaking him. For years, he had been consumed by the search for his elusive "little kitten," his Sia. Every corner of every country had been scoured, every lead followed relentlessly, yet she remained out of his grasp, like a ghost slipping through his fingers.

But now, finally, a glimmer of hope had emerged. His resolve hardened as he vowed not to let her slip away again. This time, he would capture her, no matter the cost. There would be no mercy, no forgiveness. This time, he would play his game more strategically, eliminating every obstacle that dared to stand between them.

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