chapter 52

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The small town exuded a quaint charm, with its narrow streets and old-fashioned buildings. As Taehyung's sleek black Mercedes glided through the streets, it drew the attention of pedestrians who paused to watch the luxury car pass by.

Inside the car, Taehyung's thoughts were consumed by Sia. Each moment without her felt like an eternity, and he was desperate to reunite with her. He longed to see her, to feel her presence envelop him once again. For four agonizing years, he had been starved of her company, her touch, her essence.

Silently, Taehyung observed the surroundings as the car navigated through the town, his heart heavy with longing. "Oh, Sia," he murmured, his voice tinged with both pain and yearning. "Look what you've done to me. Even after four years, I can't forget you. Your essence is etched into my soul."

The driver's voice broke through Taehyung's reverie, announcing their arrival at the hotel.

“sir we have reached “

Taehyung stepped out of the car, his eyes scanning the surroundings,. His driver trailed behind him, carrying his luggage, as Taehyung's determination to find her only grew stronger with each passing moment.

As Taehyung entered his room, the weight of anticipation hung heavy in the air. With practiced ease, he removed his tie and shed his clothes, letting them fall to the floor in a heap. The steamy tendrils of hot water beckoned from the bathroom, promising solace in their embrace.

Emerging from the shower, droplets of water glistened on Taehyung's skin as he padded barefoot across the room. He paused by the window, drawn to the sight of the small town that held such significance in Sia's life. The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the familiar streets below. Taehyung couldn't help but wonder why Sia had chosen this place to call home, her connection to it tugging at his heartstrings.

With a heavy sigh, Taehyung returned to the room, sinking onto the edge of the bed. His fingers traced the outline of his phone as he unlocked it, the screen illuminating with Sia's image. Her radiant smile captured his gaze, momentarily easing the ache in his chest.

"Can't wait to see you, kitten," he murmured, his voice barely more than a whisper as he caressed her digital likeness.

With newfound resolve, Taehyung rose from the bed, slipping into fresh clothes and grabbing his car keys. The need to be near Sia pulsed through him, urging him onward. He couldn't bear to waste another moment apart from her, not when she was so close.

Exiting the hotel, Taehyung slipped behind the wheel of his car, the engine purring to life beneath his touch. With determination etched into his features, he steered the vehicle towards his destination, each mile bringing him closer to his beloved Sia.

As Taehyung's car traversed through the winding streets of Sia's neighborhood, the evening cast a golden hue over the modest houses that lined the road. To Taehyung, accustomed to the opulence of his own world, this area felt starkly different. The houses were small, nestled closely together, and the people milling about were engaged in their daily routines, oblivious to the wealthy stranger passing through their midst.

A frown creased Taehyung's brow as he surveyed the scene before him. "How could she live in such a place?" he mused aloud, his voice tinged with disbelief and discomfort. The disparity between his world and hers was glaring, and yet, here he was, drawn to this humble neighborhood by the pull of his heartstrings.

Parking his car at a safe distance from Sia's house, Taehyung remained seated inside, his gaze fixed on the modest dwelling that held the object of his desire. He yearned for just a glimpse of her, to reassure himself that she was real and within reach.

Minutes stretched into eternity as Taehyung waited with bated breath, his anticipation mounting with each passing second. Finally, movement stirred within Sia's house, and Taehyung's heart leaped in anticipation, only to plummet with disappointment as two familiar figures emerged.

Jiya and Kiyan, Sia's children, bounded out of the house, their laughter ringing through the air as they embarked on their evening playtime. Taehyung's breath caught in his throat as he watched them, the sight of their youthful exuberance tugging at something deep within him.

Jiya, with her carefree spirit, pedaled her bicycle with ease, while Kiyan, wielding a bat in hand, eagerly awaited the arrival of their friend Jungkook for their daily play session. In their innocence, they were the embodiment of Sia's love and devotion, her legacy living and breathing before Taehyung's eyes.

A tumult of emotions surged within Taehyung as he watched the children, his chest constricting with a mixture of rage and hate .  They were a painful reminder of what he could never have, His grip on the steering wheel tightened, knuckles turning white with the intensity of his emotions. Red-hot anger seared through him,

As Taehyung's gaze fixated on the children playing in the garden, his eyes blazed with a fiery intensity, the red hue reflecting the tumultuous storm raging within him. With each passing moment, his anger swelled, his emotions morphing into a dark, seething abyss of hatred and resentment.

His focus sharpened as Jungkook, the object of his animosity, emerged from the house, his presence igniting a primal rage within Taehyung. In that instant, Jungkook became the embodiment of everything Taehyung despised – the man who had dared to come between him and Sia, the man who had stolen her away and shattered Taehyung's world in the process.

Taehyung's hands clenched into fists, his nails digging into his palms as he fought to contain the searing fury threatening to consume him. His eyes, shining with malice, bore into Jungkook's form, tracing the outline of the man who had dared to usurp his place in Sia's life.

Jungkook's smile, genuine and carefree, only served to fuel Taehyung's burning hatred. As he watched the father and son duo engage in their playful antics, a surge of jealousy coursed through Taehyung's veins, twisting his features into a mask of contempt.

The sight of Jungkook bonding with Jiya and Kiyan, sharing moments of joy and laughter, was a bitter reminder of everything Taehyung had lost. Each smile, each shared laugh, served as a dagger to his wounded heart, reopening old wounds that refused to heal.

In that moment, Taehyung's desire for vengeance burned brighter than ever, his soul consumed by a relentless thirst for retribution. He longed to erase Jungkook from existence, to rid the world of the man who had stolen his happiness and left him with nothing but ashes of regret.

But as the echoes of laughter drifted through the air, mingling with the fading light of the evening, Taehyung knew that his path was fraught with darkness. For in his quest for vengeance, he risked losing the very thing he sought to reclaim –

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